Ticky Mikk - 70.2% (40/12/5)
Thankfully the last double I've apped \o/
God. Ticky was so much work, lol. Back even before I decided to reapp Riku I had decided to app Ticky. I honestly can't recall when exactly I went from not even paying attention to D. Gray-man, to being desperately in love with Ticky Mikk, but somewhere along reread he became one of my favorite characters ever. I was MASSIVELY obsessed with this character for the two months I had to wait to app him, and Snake, who doesn't read DGray, had to hear EVERYTHING FROM ME. I wrote essays, his permissions meme and made all his icons over a month before I could app him. I talked with Rhode for HOURS and we planned out STUFF. I was really paranoid about being able to write his voice and so I wrote out all of his dialog, AND I compiled all of his appearances in canon into one folder and honestly I have never in game wanted a character as much as I wanted Ticky. He was hot and badass and crazy and incredibly interesting and I would have cried for days if I hadn't gotten him.
I started the app a good week or two ahead of time, but was, of course, tweaking it up until the day of. I wrote and wrote and rewrote a lot and Snake betad me ENDLESSLY. The app itself is so-so, not one of my stronger ones, but Ticky has a difficult voice to get a handle on (I see "eh" about it now and then) and it was especially hard for a first write. I still like the bit about herding the zombies. And the "Ticky-pon, heart" bit, it's overall got his dry humor it's just a bit too interested.
The canon was HARD AS HELL to write and I still don't like it \o/ Ticky just has so many facets I couldn't manage to narrow him down in a few paragraphs, though I can’t remember why it was important to me to explain what a Noah is other than I liked how that part came out.
My lowest 'in' percentage for my most popular character. OOPS.
Luke fon Fabre - 88.9& (48/6)
O Luke ♥
So, while I was playing Tales of the Abyss I COMPLETELY FELL IN LOVE WITH IT. I wasn't even aware we had ToA characters in camp until after I started playing it >D And as I was playing I beta'd the previous Luke apper, though I didn't do a good job since I wasn't far enough into the game yet. By the time I finished the game I was really hoping she would reapp because I would have liked to app and Asch for her, but it never came to pass and... secretly I think I knew I really wanted Luke more. At first I told myself it was just that I LOVE HIM I DON'T CARE WHO PLAYS HIM HE JUST NEEDS TO BE IN CAMP but in my heart of hearts I wanted Luke to be mine and all of his adorable glory with him.
Well, she never did reapp, I finished the game and started replaying it, telling myself once I'd beaten it a second time I would know if I was apping Luke or Asch, but I didn't even get twenty hours into the game before knowing it would have to be Luke. And BEING THE WAY I AM I was getting really excited about playing him, plus I'd talked to Guy-mun a few times about it and she liked the idea of me apping. So, without finishing my canon a second time, I went "O hell with it" and apped him anyway.
However, apping Luke ran me into two major problems A) He has a very, very bland voice. He's not dotty or anything, but once he stops being a whiny bitch he loses most of his 'tone' because otherwise he's fairly normal. And B) He goes through a lot of surprising and very dramatic character changes throughout the story and I didn't want to spoil people on it.
In order to deal with B, I tried to write a canon just pretending he didn't start off as a brat, but it made this character I loved sound so fucking dull. He was just a NICE GUY like so many others and it bleached all the character out of him. So I went, fuck it =\ And introduced the canon with the fact that he was a HORRIBLE SELFISH ASS who becomes a Jesii \o/ And I am still satisfied with this canon.
To deal with A) I pondered for a while and decided to just be gimmicky, which I NEVER DO but it was the only way I could think of to make his app humorous and distract people from the fact that his voice, while solid, is nothing special.
The app thus, isn't among my best, but I'm content with it. The voice is a little too dumb, a little too nice, but that was all intentional. The "UST" as a disease is stupid, but I knew when I apped him I just wanted to write an app to get in, and once I played him I didn't expect to have any problems. And I was pretty much correct. Threads with Luke tend to die quickly, but that's hilariously IC and I don't feel bad about it much other than the fact that I hope I'm not boring people to tears.
Raphael - 100% \o/
SO. It really shouldn't surprise anyone that my wife and I enable each other. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE HETERO LIFE MATES AND DISABLE EACH OTHER SOMETIMES TOO, but when I was visiting her in Geogia and we went to go see TMNT the day it came out? We loved it so much. I can't tell you. We were just REALLY REALLY EXCITED. It was good! It was fun! THE TURTLES LOOKED AWESOME. They really are good characters, and I'm sure we were both thinking about apping but she was the first one to bring it up. You know, in that "TELL ME THIS IS A HORRIBLE IDEA" sort of way and instead of telling her it was a horrible idea I went more along the lines of "THAT WOULD BE AWESOME" and yah.
ON THE DRIVE BACK TO OUR HOTEL we talked about it all the way, decided I would have Raph (I didn't think I could play Leo) and, since we were worrying about not really recently KNOWING any of our massive canon, decided we had to get the movies. Got to the hotel DIDN'T EVEN GET INSIDE just turned around and went out again, olo. So we got the three live action movies and were going to watch them and then write out apps (OH, THIS WAS THE DAY OF APPS BTW, THEY WERE CLOSING IN ABOUT, EIGHT HOURS, on top of that I was leaving in the morning and had a plane to catch!). We started watching the movies and went... oh man this is REALLY BAD, turned it off and started to write out apps. Decided we needed to see the REAL MOVIE again and worked on our apps until midnight and went to catch a midnight showing.
Watched it again, loved it again. Somewhere in the middle of this we nagged the hell out of Biz to approve us (it was seventh for both of us I think?) and yaaah. It was a mess, but it was SO MUCH FUN. I feel retarded for not even getting him to 200 comments, but my opinion at the time "Was goddamn, I've been playing for TWO YEARS and have never done a spazz app. I WANT TO AND I HOPE IT WORKS OUT" and I still more or less hold to that opinion. I do wish it HAD worked out, I feel bad it didn't. But the whole seeing the movie twice, buying the old movies, driving around Savannah at all hours, sitting on a bed at three AM and typing up our apps on one computer, betaing them and getting them in last minute? It was PURE GOLD and one of my favorite memories.
We wrote our apps in maybe two to three hours, beta'd each other and just, went. It was fast, hard and fun. Snake cooked steak at 2:30 AM while I typed up my app and beta'd hers, and then I ate ungarnished meat while she beta'd mine and then we COLLAPSED and slept for two hours, woke up, went to breakfast, COLLAPSED AGAIN, woke up two hours later and went to the airport \o/ IT WAS A GREAT LAST TWELVE HOURS. for the app =D 100%, which I'm happy about because I always wanted one. It didn't DESERVE it, probably, at least not to CFUD's normal standards. It made it on the "OMG TURTLES!" high that everyone in camp had and yaaah, it was cool |D
That ALL SAID while not the best app ever, it really is a good one, I still like it, and not bad at all considering the conditions it was written under. It still makes me smile, which is always nice. My only real issues with it now is I reuse a few words a bit too much, and the canon could have been a little sharper, but eh.
Raph was DROPPED because I didn't love him enough to overcome the amount of intimidation I felt in trying to play him. I love him a LOT don't misunderstand, but back when I apped Ticky and Luke I PROMISED MYSELF I would never again app if I didn't get that "I completely ADORE THIS CHARACTER AND WILL SPAZZ IF I CAN'T HAVE HIM" high, and Raph didn't give me that high, but the idea of NINJA TURTLES IN CAMP did. Which. Wasn't enough =\ If I had three characters I probably would have kept him, but when it's six and seven there just isn't the time/interest and I'd probably rather have that character for someone else, so out he went. =\
As a final note, Raph is one of the few characters I apped who had a lot of character voice and a lot of INTEREST in the situation that I could work with. I tend to app people who aren't ideal for apping, and thus stress about it a lot (Killua, Ticky, Riku, Kira etc) but he has a very clear, very solid canon voice, with an accent and everything, and it made apping SO MUCH EASIER god why can't I usually like those characters \o/
Kira Sakuya/Nanatsusaya - 94.7% (54/3)
AMONG MY APPS, KIRA HAS THE THIRD BEST "OMG I'M GOING TO APP HIM" STORY EVER. (Raph has the first and Zack the second).
When I first read Angel Sanctuary I actually did it with Kira in mind for possible appig, just because I'd probably heard Katou mention wanting one or something. (She might have even told me too who knows) but for whatever reason, he didn't really strike me. I think part of it was I spent the first four volumes going "OMG this is SO BAD the exposition writing is HORRIBLE and the art is girly and the men all look the same and the plot is moving too fast" etc etc I CRITIQUE AS I READ OUT OF HABIT. But I PUSHED PAST IT mostly because I thought Katou was awesome and wanted to get to the part where he was ACTUALLY ALIVE IN CANON and by then I was hooked.
But! The only character who stuck out to me was Hatter, who was clearly not appable. Way too much like Ticky ... and as soon as I said that I was like "lol I should gender switch Ticky into Hatter" AND I DID. And then I put aside the canon at about volume fourteen, right after Kira dies, and didn't pick it up for months. Then, later, I picked it up again and put it down right after Katou died and didn't finish it. AND IN RETROSPECT THESE THINGS MIGHT BE CONNECTED.
But! I still loved Katou and Katou-mun and one day at her journal she did a 'five things' request and Christi was like "Five things Katou said to Kira while high that he will never live down" and... the one that REALLY GOT ME was 3. "Why you gotta go around fucking other people?" but I really loved all of them, because Kira and Katou's relationship isn't explored that much in AS but it's background enough that you know it must have EXISTED and I just never put any thought into it before but as soon as I read this little list of things I could SEE IT and I was what is this AWESOME and WHY DON'T WE HAVE A KIRA TO DO THIS SHIT IN CAMP. and then in the back of my head was that NAGGING VOICE "Why don't YOU app him bitch" and aksjf;asa \o/
S-So understand I HADN'T EVEN FINISHED THE CANON YET. I hadn't paid that much attention to Kira while I was reading after I decided he was WAY too aloof to ever app (I swore to myself after the Riku fiasco I was done apping aloof characters) and my wife REMINDED ME OF THIS but god I spent HOURS awake that night thinking about Kira and if I would app him and what I would do if I did and would Katou mind? COULD I DO IT WOULD I BE GOOD etc etc HOW TO HANDLE THIS LUCIFER STUFF \o/ I ultimately resolved that in the morning I would finish the canon, then go to the bookstore and get the first few volumes, wherein Kira is acting as a 'normal' human, and see if I could app him from that, because I DID remember when he's playing the 'normal' human and isn't being surrounded by HIS OWN IMPENDING DEATH he's actually a pretty fun guy.
So... I went to the bookstore, sat down and read volume 1... then volume 2... all the while FREAKING OUT and going oh god oh god he's NOT aloof he's a GIANT SOFTIE who FAILS I LOVE THOSE and he's also LUCIFER I could PLAY SATAN and he's SO GAY for Setsuna and Katou is SO SO GAY for him I LOVE CANON GAY and they’re IN CAMP and akjdf;askdfafa and I texted my wife to tell her I fail D= and then I kept reading and I spent WAY TOO MUCH MONEY ON MANGA THAT DAY god *buries face in hands*
I spent the rest of the week reread AS and making icons but by Thursday had no idea what to do so I didn't write anything then and on Friday I HAD WORK but I was working on it at work ONLY NOT REALLY and so by six PM Friday I had NOTHING DONE and I had to frantically yell at my wife about how THE SYSTEM FAILS until I could calm down enough to app.
S-So In the end I DID get that horrible I LOVE HIM SO MUCH MUST BE MIIIINE feeling from Kira which made me happy, since I was terrified I was apping him just cuz I wanted Katou to have him but no \o/ AVIY LOEV KIRA.
Anyway! The app itself is pretty good. It was horrible to get started but once I got into my apping zone I managed to trudge through it. I had a hard as hell time trying to figure out why the fuck Kira would monologue for over three hundred words when he probably only barely has that much dialog in ALL OF CANON, and I realized the only way he would do it was if HE HAD TO TO SEE SETSUNA AGAIN so I put him in a position where he could see his true love again only if he agreed to 'apply' for it and that worked pretty well.
Snake was originally going to be my only beta, but I was REALLY PARANOID because it wasn't funny and I tagged Tomo to beta it too, along with Mika who I failed at not telling. The app itself really is good, I like, it's just not particularly funny. But it's one of my stronger voicy apps and I really really LIKE the end of the app is teasing the director about having an affection for her 'captives' rather than just a punchline, because it's so sincerely Kira. I was afraid it wouldn't do well because it wasn't particularly funny but \o/ I MISJUDGED THE VOTERS AND I'M SORRY.
Zack Fair - 94.6% (53/3)
TALKING ABOUT KIRA AND RAPH'S APPS HAVE MADE ME TIRED. I apped Zack because one day when I was bored I started reading ciceqi's awesome FFVII fic, despite not even liking FFVII, and I found this MYSTERIOUS CHARACTER WHO I HAD NO MEMORY OF FROM THE GAMES AT ALL. Then I was like "O yah that Last Order guy!" and I sort have had enough vague information to follow along and I went wow this is neat why wasn't he actually in the games D< and I rewatched Last Order again and thought he was AWESOMER STILL and told myself I should replay the game just for him \o/
Then Snake and I dropped Dante and Snake and were sad because now we couldn't be gay anymore and were like WE SHOULD DOUBLE APP SOME PEOPLE WE CAN BE GAY WITH. And we spent ALL DAY working over a particular couple I'm not naming because we might app them next counselors lol \o/ And we TOLD JURI ABOUT It and she LAUGHED AT US and then twelve hours later, due to an AMV and some fic pimping and general EXCITED TALK we switched over to Zack and Cloud just as I was making icons for the other guy. OOPS.
I replayed the game instantly, since apping from fandom is clearly a bad idea, and I rewatched the movie like three more times, and Last Order I don't even KNOW HOW MANY and yes Aviy loev Zack o/ We spent 100 dollars on doujin so we could make icons |D
I was for a long time secretly paranoid over Zack, cuz I DID get to love the character through fandom, not canon, and felt guilty because of that. But then I did also genuinely like him from canon, I just, never thought about him until I realized how MUCH there had to be to everything. Infact. ALL of FFVII is like that for me, I enjoyed the game, but until I met someone who really thought about it, pulled it apart and pointed out all its glory to me I didn't see it myself but now that I have? I adore it.
Of course Koya-chan is also one of the best writers in fandom, so I was afraid I would be intimidate myself by being unable to live up to how good she is but... somewhere along the line I lost that, because I decided I really really wanted my Zack and not anyone else's Zack and I'm working at establishing that still but I like what I have! I don't really compare my voice to anything but canon now.
THE APP ITSELF was horrible because I wrote it WHILE AT WORK. I stayed up until like four am thursday night ironing out a horrible rough draft, slept, went to work and spent all day trying to avoid working so I could edit my app >D IT WAS VERY HARD. THE APP IS ALSO VERY LONG. It's okay, honestly it's too recent for me to reread it, I've already moved on from the voice I wrote it in.
Longest app and longest canon ever lolol ;;