Cosplay is a terrible hobby...

Nov 05, 2009 07:03

PMX is tomorrow and I don't know what possessed me to try making a new costume for a con that takes place during the school year. Actually, I intended to make it over the summer, but of course, my incurable procrastinating nature took over and here I am, at 7am the day before the con, having not slept at all last night or looked at the material for my Japanese exam. Priorities? What are those? My hands are covered in glue and paint, the TV lounge I'm working in is a disaster area and the cleaning staff keep giving me and Reinna weird looks, and I'm hungry. At least the dining hall opens for breakfast early on weekdays...

In any case, i figure listing all the things I have done will make me feel better so here goes.

OZ (85% done) :

-Vest is pretty much entirely sewn. I just need to hem the bottom. I just finished adding the trim which, by the way, was a total bitch to glue on and now all I have to do is glue down the collar so it doesn't flap around.

-Shorts: Pieced together, for the most part, but I still need to cut out and sew the waistband, then attach it.... and I have no effing idea how to sew the crotch area. I don't even have a zipper, so I really might just leave that for the hotel room, as much as I hate having to work on cosplay during the con.

-Shoes: Yeah, I was going to make his shoes and dumb strappy leg-cover things but thankfully I managed to find boots that sort of resemble them... so I'm cheating, if just for PMX. Thank God.

Casual Kid (90% done):

-He's mostly closet cosplay because, let's face it, why bother making jeans and a t-shirt? In any case, I have his shirt and some jeans that are possibly a shade too dark but I've stopped caring so that's pretty much set. And I think I'm just gonna wear my black tennis shoes.

-Wig.... argh. Dumb wig. I have it cut and styled, hairsprayed into solidity, and kind of painted. I have one layer, but I wanted to add at least one or two more. However, apparently paint likes to drip and cause me problems so now I'm really, really hoping these stupid spots can be corrected with black Sharpie. Also, I'm OCD and this is why I'm cosplaying Kid and I don't like the way I can't have absolutely straight lines in hair. I'll be trying to square those off with Sharpie too...

Aaaand, I think that's it. I guess it's a good amount but I still have rather a lot to do. Not to mention I still fully intend to help Reinna with her Break outfit and she has much less done than I have.
In other news, a random lady wandered into the TV lounge/cosplay zone about an hour ago and I'm not sure if she's homeless or what, but she is currently sleeping in a corner and snoring. Strange.

Anywho, back to torturing myself sewing now... I need a new hobby.

crai, cosplay is such a pain, complain, wtf cosplaaaay, taking a break from sewing, cosplay, pmx

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