I need to start using this thing more. I keep meaning to write down stuff that happens because wheee memories! but then I get caught up in other stuff or I'm too freaking lazy (mostly that second one) and nothing happens.
So I'm going to try to update this sucker about once a week. I mean, I never keep a paper journal or anything and it seems like a nice idea because I can look back and be like oh cool I did blahblahblah that day.
In any case, I really should be Japanese-ing until my eyes fall out, but I'm taking a break to set some goals for myself because I always say I'm gonna do these things and never-ever do and I'm starting to think I'm seriously wasting all my time.
Besides, obviously, memorizing my oral presentation, writing my Shakespeare paper, studying for my kanji exam, doing all my Ling homework, reading everything ever for Romantic lit, taking finals and passing classes, etc... I really, really need to get my ass in gear over spring break. I picked up a bunch of job applications for campus jobs, mostly desk jobs, and I find I actually really want to be a tutor at Covel. SO. I need to work on my app for that, e-mail Professor Jager for a recommendation, and try to stay on top of everything. Also, I want to volunteer at the Getty Center. It's so close by, and I love it, and I love museums and art... And I haven't done jackshit when it comes to extracurricular work, which may be bad if I do end up wanting to apply places after school. This is not the time to rant about how I don't know anything about what I'm doing after college, besides some very vague ideas of maybepossibly going to Hawaii since it's the closest I can get to Japan at the moment... Though, on the other hand, I'm also quite fond of UCLA and I wouldn't mind staying here if I do grad school. Whatever I do for grad school. If my grades are even good enough, which I'm not sure they are... fml.
I kind of just want to curl up in bed forever and ever and not have to worry about terrifying things like finals or the future... but sadly, I have no TARDIS or timefreezy magic or anything that would make that possible. Rather, make it possible without me ending up homeless on my mattress because I don't want to do anything. Dammit, I don't even know how it's possible to feel motivated and yet so very lazy at the same time but... here I am, hi.
This turned out longer than I meant it to. I really should go back to (poorly) memorizing my Japanese presentation. I'm getting rather of sick of Okinawa.