Aw man. 67 year old men shouldn't work on their broken barns

Nov 15, 2009 20:43

lol barns whut are those.

A few years ago we had a nasty ice storm that made a limb pierce through my now bedroom's ceiling and made a giant tree smash down on my Grampa's barn.
Today was a nice day so my Gramp decided to start fixing the broken backside of the barn so them critters will stay out.

He ended up falling off his ladder(about 15 ft), came in the house and told us he sprained his ankle.
Blah blah he ended up having to go to Immediate Care and he has a fractured ankle.

He broke his ribs a few months back, you'd think he'd know to be more careful. He calls my Grammy OSHA so maybe it wouldn't of happened if she would have been there.
She was drinking tea with me instead, haha!

he's fine though~
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