Things to get done:
Nico and Raven Fic for
amarin_rose: Posted!
Julian/Sofia holiday fic for
lovessacrifice: Posted!
Tommy/Megan holiday fic for
britin: Posted!
Chase stealing the Fistigons for
candyflosskillr: Typed, needs to be posted.
Wither/Elixer holiday fic for
steve_the_fish: Typed, needs to be posted.
Peter/Johnny/Fantasticar fic for
scarletsorcerer: Posted!
Speed/Anole holiday fic for
tsaiko: Typed, needs to be posted
Hulkling and Spider-Man trapped somewhere, and involving nudity for
e_307: To be written.
Not much to report today. It's getting fairly cold around here. Finally got my hand on the second volume of the Counter X trades, which has the Generation X stuff.
I continue to be unimpressed with Young X-Men, despite the addition of Anole to the team.
TVTrope of the Day:
Imperal Storm Trooper Marskmanship Academy