Halloween Stuffs!!

Nov 01, 2007 22:05

Okay so i didnt go out... BUT i did have fun with cosplaying... Okay just a warning its a bunch of Supernatural Costume stuff soooo yeah be warned.. .XD

TONS OF PICTURES UNDER THE CUT!!! And a small story that corresponds with said pictures hehehe

This is Sam. Hi Sam.

Sam wants to get Dean something nice for Halloween.... So sam researches on the internet...

He found this hat that he really thinks Dean would like buuuuut he's a bit short on cash and fake credit cards. So he figures he could get a job. How hard could it be? ....apparently for Sam...very hard....

At first he tried to connect with his inner cowboy....

That didnt work out too well due to the fact that Dean would get suspicious of all the cowboy stuff he would have to carry around...ropes, cowboy hat, cowboy boots, chaps, saddle..and the 800 pound horse.... not very easily concealed...

SO he went with his next choice... Exotic Dancer....

That...needless to say... was short lived....
So he thought that he could make a good living at Candy Testing....

He soon got addicted to the sugar rush, and claimed all the candy for himself...

Until one fateful day when he didnt get his fix of candy and had a sugar crash of the century...

Meanwhile... Dean was auditioning for a Beef Jerky Ad....

He thoroughly enjoyed his time working because... well they let him eat all he wanted....

After about 5 bags it started to hurt his jaw....

And about 10 bags after that... well he started to reevaluate why he was there....

Then realized there really was no reason... So Dean decided to Shoot a Bitch....

Sam by this time had woken up and got a job at a Copy Shop... (where they now offer 49 cent color copies *shameless plug for work*)

Sam worked there all of a week, until he had a "WTF!" moment and realized he had enough money. Besides, how much of a geekboy was he? A copy shop?.. so he trashed the apron.

With the money earned he got dean the hat....

And got himself a shiny antique knife....

Dean felt jipped....So dean stole sams knife....

Sam got angry.... and Pulled out the big gun.... (NO not THAT big gun)

And shot dean...

Dean however didnt die... (what a surprise) he's like a cockroach supposedly...They were fixen to get into a knock out drag out fight...when they heard something out side... and they looked....

There was some evil thing that needed to be killed due to the fact that it was killing other things... Dean hits on a girl, sam emos, and they all live somewhat...not really happily ever after...

Thanks for Reading!!! Comments are loved! And yes i know i'm crazy hahaha