Jan 13, 2006 21:19
so right, it started out good enough. Dad was at a meeting for work when I woke up, mom went to yoga so i had the house all to myself. When I came downstairs and noticed ' happy' little notes everywhere. Jesus christ on a stick, am i six years old? I think not. I'm fully capable of doing cleaning by myself, going to get my own job by myself..apparently not in their eyes. In their eyes I'm still their 'little girl' or something. Even though apparently they'd rather depress me then make me happy. They insulted me today even more. Dad is worried about 6 dollars being in my bank account..why do you ask? because hes a fucking nut case. I havn't spent any money at all in the past month and a half because I've had no money to spend. I realize that, so I don't buy anything. If I infact had this so called ' plastic disease' id still be spending and still be getting things wouldn't I? yet I'm not am I?
So yes, tomarrow he's getting up and running to the bank with me at the ass crack of dawn. That tears it. I thought i was supposed to be independant, how can I be when hes OPENING MY MAIL, accompanying me too the bank, aaaand he doesn't seem to want to listen too me at all. He only likes to hear himself talk so I have to yell to get anything through to him at all. Live journal is frozen ._. I wanna emo there...oh well..guess i can emo here...sorry ochibaus but i suppose it's true, everyone should have a time to emo about. ::emos in a corner::
on a hint of good news, i do get to go too the aquarium with ruika-chan and a few others of our friendses. ::nods:: I also got to go to mitsuwa the asian market near me the other day, so that was fun. Ruika helped me afford things coz' im poor ..arigatou ruika-chan! *glomplatch* ill pay you back soon u_U i get paid on the 6th. 22nd is going to biiiiiillllllss...bills bills bills..but yeah back to the aquarium with ruika it sounds like so much fun, i havn't been to one in ages. :3
by the way todd. You suck. Stop being so fucking busy -.- ROAR.