Until the next Ji Dian Station game! And there is still work to do...
To Do List (20% completed)
- Come up with game theme and title
- Update the mailing list server
- Assemble props and costume pieces
- Assign XP
- Call Cassandra about the game.
- Flesh out the one of the new Influence rules
- Make sure everyone has at least one rumor.
- Post a notice to the Firefly Meetup Group
- Print game paper work
- Respond to Influence Actions
- Send out reminder e-mail about the game.
- Update characters!
- Write "Setting the Scene"
- Write up the first draft of bleeding out rules. (a.k.a. I'm not dead yet!)
- Write up the Performers Guild
Still a lot more to do, but I am sure we'll finish it.
Edit on 11:05 PM, 7/16/2008: Okay, bumped one more item off of the list.