To Do List (66.66% completed)
- Add gypsiequeen Homework tasks
- Build NPC
- Burn music to CD
- Call Dr. Sanborn, left message Set up appointment for Tue May 3rd at 8pm
- Call ID Edge, need to follow up in 3 days. ID Edge called back, they're getting the run around too.
- Design stat card
- Do dinner on Thursday
- Export NPC character sheet to PocketCharacter
- Give gypsiequeen hugs until complete :)
- Help gypsiequeen with organizing the Homework TODO
- Make final arrangements with fixerbard for equipment pickup and drop off.
- Print stat card
- Put Girly Girl on the bus
- Submit NPC for approval
- Assemble costume pieces
- By request, "Shoot blushingangle in the head." She feels that "it is [her] fault for a lot of the todo list pertaining character stuff and performances." So, I'm happy to oblige. :D
- Do a run through of performance, makeup, costume, and all.
- Do load of laundry
- Do make up and costume test
- Give gypsiequeen more hugs until complete. :)
- Pick up equipment from fixerbard around 12pm on Saturday...
I should really be in bed by now. Perhaps I should go crawl in...
Edit on 12:47 AM, 5/30/2008: Minor edit to make sure the subject in the "by request" task is correct. :D