It is finally underway...

Dec 25, 2007 15:16

After being frustrated with the limitations of the current implementation under VB6, the GV2Web object is being redesigned and rewritten using .Net and C#. One of the underlying design goals is for a plug-in architecture to read various character store formats. I was very happy when it worked as I had not done anything remotely like that previously.

As it stands now, I'm building 3 plugins for it that handle different character store formats: the GV2DataAdapter for Grapevine 2.3, the GV3DataAdapter for Grapevine 3.0, and the GoSqlDataAdapter for the yet unbuilt SQL Server character store that will be used in the PlotEngine at some future date. The design has hence forth rechristened as GVWeb, though the Grapevine moniker is likely unneeded because of the plugin model, but I'm sentimental and it's a natural progression.

Now I'm playing NUnit because VS2k5 Pro does not include unit testing tools. :(

tools, plot engine, larp

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