As is tradition in this little place on the net that I lease from a corporate presence, I have a custom of announcing my opt in filters when I have new friends. And new friends there are! Okay, one of them is an old friend who finally made an LJ account. :D
Kink - The name says it all really. Typically these are conversations that generally qualify for the TMI stamp of approval.
Weight Loss - I chronicle my attempts at over-coming my Dunlops Disease. Yes, it just dun-lops over the belt. (Is that my redneck roots showing again? Damn it!)
Growth - I talk about my gender identity and the search I go through to find balance.
If anyone wants on one of them or off, just speak up and I'll make the change.
You may ask yourself, "How do I know if I'm on one of these lists?" It's easy and I'll tell you how. I adopted a practice that I observed
lovecraftienne doing and thought it was useful enough to emulate (that and Cait is pretty nifty just on her own self to boot!), which is to put curly-braces, the { and }, around a word or two in the subject to let people know how I have locked a post.
For example, putting the curly-braces around "Friends" in the subject line, like this {Friends}, indicates that I have locked the post for friends only. Along those same line, {Kink} is used for my Kink filter, {Growth} for Growth, and so on.
(And the sad thing is, this is an almost exact source copy from the post in my memories. Yeah, I'm lazy.)