Aug 09, 2005 07:13
Yeah well today I'm posting at 7:13 AM. Thats the first reason why today is officially a crappy day. Not only am I up entirely too early but its to go to a doctors appointment where I get like 3 shots and blood drawn and other CRAP like that. Next up I haven't ate or drank anything in like 14 hours to keep food out of my blood for their blood work. OK the brightest part of my day is at 11, when I have a hair cut appt. I dont like hair cuts that much but I need one and considering the rest of my day, I should be happy. Next up on the Gay-Day is a dentist appointment at 1:45. Ask yourself- "Have I ever been to the dentist and felt better leaving than I did coming?" Ok well my answer to that is No. Seems like somebody helpful for my dental health might really help me out sometime instead of making my mouth sore for a week. To make that appointment all the more better I knocked a tooth a bit loose yesterday and I'm sure theyll be playing with it like hell today trying to clean it. Last time the hygenist let that metal thing slip and rammed it into my gum so if that happens again my knife might slip into her gum if you know what I'm saying. Ok on top of it all I'm missing one of the few days I get to work for all this crap, and its a dreary day outside which sets the mood about right. Ok well there you have it, I hereby reserve the right to be pissy all day long, and anything I say you can, but please don't use against me in the court of law :)
PS- I'll update again around 3 to let ya'll know I'm still alive.... that is if I really am still alive ~