Week 5

Jun 10, 2014 23:09

Dayshift 50

Chapel: Upon waking up, Claude is deeply disturbed by what happened to him the night before. As he tries to grapple with the implications of being able to perform heraldry while staying blind, he's joined by Guy. Claude reluctantly explains a portion of what happened to him, and is grateful when he agrees to check on his friends for him over the bulletin board. They then talk about portals but are interrupted before Claude can tell him about his own experiences on board the Calnus.

Cafeteria (Brunch): Claude spends his meal with Haseo, but is initially thrown off by his voice.

Sun Room: Anise joins Claude while King King plays in the Sun Room. Because Anise becomes bored with the Earth classic, and Claude can't watch it anyway, they eventually decide to head outside to get some fresh air.

Music Room: A quiet shift with Tifa. (WIP because mun sucks at backthreading orz)

Dinner: Mealtime with Mason quickly turns awkward as he tries to interrogate Claude about his experiences last night before thinking better of it.

Nightshift 50

M44: An unexpected visit from Guy eventually leads to an unexpected communication gap.

Dayshift 51

Breakfast: Claude happens to meet Natalia, and she offers to heal his eyes later.

Showers: Guy and Claude discuss their language differences a little bit before moving out into the sun room.

Sun Room: Claude tells Guy about meeting Natalia and asks him to post a note for him on the bulletin.

Lunch: Sync shows up and tampers with Claude's food. Luke gets involved.

Sun Room: Claude decides to take it easy when he's joined by a worried Leon. He learns that Haseo is actually the silver-haired boy he often sees with him, and finds out a little bit about The World.

Dinner: Another semi-awkward evening with Mason.

Nightshift 51

M44: Claude is surprised to have Guy join him, and is even more so to learn that Tear has arrived, and has apparently completed the Auldrant "set". Guy mentions Van, but before Claude can ask for further details, Natalia arrives. (WIP)

M-B Block Hallway:

West Wing, North Hall, 1-A:

Recreational Field:

West Wing, North Hall, 1-B:

M-C Block Hallway:


Dayshift 52

Breakfast: Claude checks in with Natalia and warns her to take it easy after overexerting herself the night before. Their conversation eventually turns to the nature of the seventh fonon, and Claude feels like he's gained a better understanding of Auldrant.

Library: After noticing Guy talking to a woman, Claude decides to investigate. He runs into the last person he expected.

Game Room: Mind still reeling from the previous shift, Claude sits down in front of an old gaming console. He's eventually joined by a man who identifies himself as Gilbert, the man who'd helped his father look after him on the Calnus.

M44: Taking Gilbert's advice, Claude asks a nurse about his father and is upset to learn he'd been released the night before. He uses dinner to take some time to himself.

Bulletin #1: [Leon, Anise] | Buletin #2: [Guy]

Nightshift 52


M-B Block Hallway:

West Wing, North Hall, 1-A:

Rec Field:

North of the Institute (Woods):

Dayshift 53

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