1.) You seemed to like working at the cat shop. What’re you going to do for work now that Clark seems to be getting back on his feet?
“Liked” is an interesting choice of words there, really. I mean, yeah, working for Tom was pretty cool, and, you know, non-taxing, but I don't really think I could go back to being Adi's date rape supplier full time. So as far as the future goes, you know, I'm looking into job markets that don't include demon aphrodisiac sell-age in the “must be willing to” description.
Career-wise … you know, there's not much one can really do with a history degree - I mean, practically. But I have a few ideas … I just had to, you know, put them on hold for a while. Stuff happens.
2.) You know you’re like family, right?
Oh, good! I don't have to hold back with the teasing then!
Yeah, I know. It's pretty … Hallmark, heart-warm-y for me, actually. I kinda really, really appreciate it.
3.) If you could have three wishes, what would they be?
One: That Clark would have never had to have gone through all that.
Two: For Dove's internal organs to be happy little … internal organs from here until eternity, forever pumping and pulsing and … pus-ing? Whatever it is that healthy internal organs do.
Three: More wishes is cliché, so... muffins. I'd like a fresh muffin to appear to me every morning!
I wouldn't take back what happened to me ... except parts of it. Well, one part of it. But muffins are easier to ask for.
4.) If you were going on vacation, what would be the perfect day?
Some beach, somewhere. I'd lie in the sun and actually get a tan for once. Also, there would be snorkeling!
5.) You’re really enjoying all the embarrassing details of me spending time with this girl, aren’t you?
Not so much, actually.
1.) Do sárkány in general make you nervous?
Well, that would be a little species-ist of me, wouldn't it?
2.) Would you be at all interested in being one of my bridesmaids? It’s okay if you don’t want to. No pressure!
Aw, Penny! That all depends - what do your bridesmaids dresses look like? No, no, I'm kidding. That'd be really … I'd love to.
3.) Thanksgiving’s coming up! What’re you thankful for?
Sliced bread. It's amazingly handy, and nothing's ever really topped it in terms of inventions apparently!
4.) Do you ever feel like just running away and doing something crazy, just so you could say that you have some control over what’s going on in your life?
Yes. And I am.
5.) Will you do me a favor? It’s kind of personal. And it involves meeting strangers. But I could have Clark do it if you’re not comfortable.
You wanna trust Clark with a favor? No, I'm kidding - I'll come over next week, and you can tell me what you need, okay? I could use a little adventure.
1.) I hope you realize how strong you really are. When are you going to start getting out and seeing your friends, though? Even the best of us need friends sometimes. Non boy friendly friends.
I know. Believe me, I know. I'm kind of sick of seeing you twenty-four/seven too. No, not really.
But yeah, I'm working on it. I miss people too.
2.) Considering recent developments, do thunderstorms bother you?
I've gotten kind of accustomed to them. Go figure.
3.) Which is sexier- me saving you, or you saving me? And no cop outs like “I would rather that neither of us got in trouble in the first place”!
That's not a cop-out, that's a truth!
But tooooootally me saving you. I mean, obviously. I look better posing heroically than you do, and I have snappier one liners.
4.) You know what? Why not Ezla?
… Because you wanted to live in California. Because you want to work on your movies. Because you like being near your family, and your friends. Because you have a house here.
Because … you left Ezla, for whatever reason, and you've never expressed an interest in going back before now. Because you can't just go back to people you left and expect everything to be okay. Because just because I like something doesn't mean you have to like it too. Because I don't think it means the same thing to you as it does to me.
Because I don't know how I'd react if I got settled some place and you decided you wanted to go somewhere else. Again.
Because you're fickle.
You tell me, Clark.
5.) Tell me something about you that I don’t know.
I knew what was coming when I left.