Oct 04, 2005 15:13
1. What is the geekiest part of your music collection? backstreet boys, lol
2. What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night? juice
3. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie? armagedon
4. If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done? get the fat sucked out of my tummy
5. Do you have any completely irrational fears? not really
6. What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments? i chew my nails, i play with stuff, and chew the inside of my mouth
7. Do you like to be on the top or bottom? doesnt matter
8. Do you have too many love interests? oh just one, my david :)
9. Do you know anyone famous? nope
10. Describe your bed: super comfortable
11. Spit, swallow, or gargle? what are we talking about? hehe
12. Who would play you in a movie? i dunno
13. Do you know how to play poker? yup somewhat
14. What do you carry with you at all times? money
15. When did you lose your virginity and did you regret it? when i was 15 and yeah i do regret it
16. Are you happy with your given name? not really. everyone tells me its either an old ladys name, or a fat girls name
17. How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year? ummm well prolly not too much, i could live without the internet
18. If you could only fulfill one of your fantasies, which would it be? i wanna go to africa
19. What was the last song you were listening to? sink or swim - hedley
20. Where is the most public place you have ever had sex? i dunno
21. Have you ever been in love? i am right now :)
22. Do you talk a lot? yeah, lol
23. What is your favorite sexual position? i dunno
24. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person? I think so...am i??
25. Do you spend a lot of time with your friends? no not anymore
26. What is your ideal marriage location? in a garden
27. How many people are on your buddylist? 98
28. Favorite fabric? cotton
29. Something you love and hate? computers
30. Have you ever been tied up in your bed? haha, no
31. Do you tell your friends about your sex life? no, not really
32. What's the one language you want to learn? spanish
33. How do you eat an apple? with my mouth, lol
34. What do you order at a bar? well seeing as im not old enough to go into the bar, i wouldnt know.
35. Have you ever pierced your body parts? not myself, no
36. Do you have tattoos? nope
37. What is your drug of choice? advil....LOL
38. What's one trait you hate in a person? ppl who think they are better than others
39. Ever had same-sex sex? nope
40. What was your most frivolous purchase? i dunno
41. Do you consider yourself materialistic? maybe?
42. What do you cook the best? eggs, lol
43. Do you prefer to stand out or blend in? blend in
44. What kind of books do you like to read? stupid girly ones, lol
45. If you won the lottery, what would you do? take a trip and put the rest away
46. Burial or cremation? cremation
47. Do you have a fetish? nope
48. What's one thing you're a loser at? umm everything
49. How many drinks before you're tipsy? 2 or 3
50. Do you think you're cute? I can be i guess...i dunno if im cute or not