Nick Originally uploaded by
full_exposure. So, I am using
Twitter and
Loopt the most lately.
Twitter is cool because, I can do it wherever I am. LiveJournal I mostly just do on slow days at the office which is rare.
Last night I went to
HELL with Tas and Brian- I had a blast and bought a couple of pieces.
Work is doing well... kinda annoying but, nothing that can't be fixed. I just know that I need to concentrate on outside photo jobs because, that is where I am going to make my real extra income. The blog is doing well, just need more energy and motivation for it. More time would help too.
I am really going to work on buying some studio lighting equipment of my own soon. I just need to.
neg_creep has been perfection. Having him here just seems so natural and comfortable; it is really nice. A lot has changed I suppose but, it just doesn't feel like it... He fits into my life so well that it really doesn't feel like a big adjustment for me- for him I am sure it's HUGE being away from home..... I'm totally worth it though. =)