New Motorcycle Originally uploaded by
full_exposure. Last night I was on the way to Rage to see Alonso and his cousin Christy on his Birthday. He goes there every Saturday I guess... Anyway I on Sunset Blvd in front of Hollywood High and the car in front of me quickly braked so, I did the same.
I don't know why or how it happened but, the next thing I knew I was face down with the bike on my leg sliding on the pavement. I did not hit the car and luckily no other cars hit me but, that shit hurt. It happened so damn fast so, I don't know what really caused it- I have quickly braked and swerved so, many times that I don't know how I laid down the bike last night. As I was going down I thought "Here we go," I think because I was always expecting to crash at some point. Anyway A bunch of people got out of their cars and help. They carried my bike to the shoulder and helped me up. They kept asking me if I was okay and I was. I could walk and nothing really hurt. I just had rips all up my jeans but, luckily it just looks like I bought them that way. All my buttons on my shirt were rubbed off too so, I guess I skidded on my stomache for a bit. I am glad that it was cold out and I was wearing gloves or my hands probably would have been fucked up.
The bike started back up but, there was a big dent on the gas tank, which was JUST replaced. There are scratched and the right mirror bent bad. It fucking sucks- I just had it all fixed from when someone hit my bike parked. I can't afford another $500.00 deductable so, I may just leave it for a bit.
I was rattled and shit so, I called
cruisincali21 to tell him what happened and to calm me down before I attempted to ride out of there... Um, he just is worried so, he yelled at me for even having a bike- not so calming. Anyway, I was like fuck it and got back on and went to Rage. I have a fun night after that. I just have scrapes and bruises. Uh, I feel like I am 8 again with a big scraped up knee. That shit hurts though. Oh well. I had a couple beers and even danced.
I am dreading though looking at my bike in the sunlight and seeing the real damage. All week I was thinking about how I am really liking riding a motorcycle and wanted to trade it in for a bigger model... I still think I want to. Just need to keep 100% aware.