Right Now:
-Listening to this:
That I got at the Bargaineer for $8. Brand new is $40. Brock Samson would be proud.
-Drinking this:
And it's 8.5% alcohol, so with a stomach devoid of food, and two beers in, I am toasted.
-Sitting in nothing but a pair of shorts, because there is a fire going in here, and it is...85 degrees Fahrenheit in here. If anyone ever needs to escape from the soul-crushing cold this winter, come to my basement. I will pour 80 gallons of sand on the floor and we will have a beach party.
-Alice had her first vet visit today. Apparently she is only 6 weeks old; 2 weeks younger than estimated. When my mom saved her from freezing to death she had only been on this Earth for one month. Let that marinate in your cerebral cortex for a while!
-She climbs on everything.
-She scratches me when I'm sleeping.
-She terrorizes Max's tail.
-When the hell did Plattsburgh start getting bigger?!? All of a sudden there is going to be a new Kinneys, that new Mobil replaced the Foreign Exchange place, the mall has a fucking Abercrombie & Dumb-Ass, Aldi's moved (right under my nose, I might add), Wiry is moving with Walgreen's replacing the old building, McDonald's is being rebuilt. What the hell? I do not live under a rock/in a cave. Apparently all of these businesses used the election as super-distraction.
-Mastodon released a box-set of all of their LPs. It is $240 dollars. It is so expensive, yet I cannot live without it so I am thinking about what organs could fetch a decent price on the black market.
-PRIESTS OF LEISURE CD!!!! Coming soon! We found a great deal on digipaks, and we're gonna plan the artwork. Also, I really want to do a split 7" with Gas and Oil, so that might be in the future if they're game.
-Screen-printing: I've been slowly turning the laundry room into a functional dark room for screen-printing. I've wanted to learn this for a while, but progress is slow due to some things being EXPENSIVE, and me not having time to improvise yet.
-Snow. Where is it? I want to ski.
-Snow. It can stay the hell away for all I care. I'm really torn on this one.
-I rented Dead Space, and IT IS AWESOME. AWESOME. AWESOME. It really lived up to my expectations. At first I wasn't creeped out, but the longer I played it, the more I got uncomfortable to the point I had to stop playing.
-That along with re-reading Fear Agent (it's so much better the second time through) I started to feel psychologically damaged, so I had to take a break from the super-violence.
-Bought Gears of War. It is quite good. I can't wait to get through it and play the sequel.
-I am getting drunk.
-AND I FUCKING LOVE YOU!!!Lemme djust put yer mnnumer in my cellphone.......hol' on....wait.....oh...dayum we need to hang out summore, sm'time. ok, was yer number this? cuz iz alreadyin there. when'd I dothat?