U Got Nothin On Me

Mar 16, 2011 22:43

Title: U Got Nothin On Me (1/1)
Pairing: Demi/Selena
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Things are not always what they seem. Take a closer look at people’s motives and true feelings.
Disclaimer: Based on actual people comes a story completely from my imagination. These events never happened.
Author’s Note: Week2 Challenge

“Keep your eyes open dufus. I’m too young to die!” exclaimed the raven haired girl in the passenger side as she noticed her girlfriend look up at the sky and close her eyes with a smile.

“Relax Sel. Enjoy the California sun and this rare day with your hot girlfriend,” joked Demi as she took the Latina’s hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I love you. I love you Selena Marie!” yelled our Demi for the entire highway to hear. She wanted everyone to know that she loved this beautiful woman by her side.

“I love you too dork,” responded Selena with a laugh as she looked back at her longtime girlfriend.

The two girls had taken a day off their busy schedules to just be together. Demi had recently splurged on an Audi R8 Spyder and wanted to drive down the Pacific Highway with the top down. They enjoyed the hot California day and the wonderful sights that the Highway has to offer. The Pacific Ocean looked beautiful. Never-ending and immense like the love that they shared for each other.

Selena heard familiar lyrics and increased the volume on the radio. The two lovers grinned at each other and began to sing.

You think I'm pretty
Without any make-up on
You think I'm funny
When I tell the punch line wrong
I know you get me
So I'll let my walls come down, down

As the sun created a picturesque sunset the two young lovers sat on the sand wrapped in each other’s arms and letting the waves wash over their bare feet. This is when they felt the most content. When for a few hours the rest of the world could just disappear and they were once again the two simple girls from Texas.

Demi had dozed off and was rudely awoken when her mischievous girlfriend splashed her with cold salt water.

Knowing that Demi wouldn’t let that slide easily, Selena took off running down the beach and was surprised when she was tackled. Demi had gotten a lot quicker. The two fell onto the sand laughing and rolling around like children.

Selena caught a glimpse of Demi’s angelic features under the moonlight and the atmosphere suddenly became serious and full of desire. She leaned in to capture her lover’s lips in a kiss full of love and want. They knew that nothing could ever keep them apart. Their love meant more to both of them than anything else. Who better to entrust with your heart and know that they won’t break it than your childhood best friend?

“Look Demi I know this is hard to believe, but what more proof do you want. You’ve seen the pictures. Selena is in love with me. Please step aside and allow us to be happy,” pleaded the brown haired teen as he sat across the table from his girlfriend’s longtime girlfriend.

“Selena and I have known each other since we were seven. I want her happiness and I see that I no longer give her that, but I don’t get why she didn’t come to me herself. Sel knows that I want what’s best for her,” said Demi in a quiet voice.

“I’m sorry Demi. I’ll take good care of her for you,” said Justin as he stood up dropping some bills on the table.

Demi looked down at the table as silent tears rolled down her face. She thought her and Sel were doing great. How could she do this to her? Why was she cheating? Demi looked up just in time to notice Justin nearly crash into a pole as he looked at a blonde that was passing by. She looked at the pictures again and noticed that Justin was all over Selena, but she looked annoyed. Not only that, but he would look directly at the camera making sure that they documented everything. He wanted Demi to step aside, so that he could have a pr romance with Selena. A grin made its way across her face. “Thought you had me fooled you little troll!”

Demi picked up her cell phone as she heard the familiar ringtone. “Hey baby.”

“Hey rockstar. So I’ll pick you up around seven and we’ll go catch a movie?” asked Selena.

“Do I get sexy time afterwards?”

“I’m all yours baby. See you soon,” whispered Selena.

Demi climbed into Selena’s Escape and leaned over to kiss her softly. She sat back and linked her hand with Selena’s. Something shiny caught Demi’s eye and she leaned down in her seat to pick it up. She lifted the necklace and raised a questioning eyebrow at Selena who blushed. “This looks suspiciously like the one Justin was wearing yesterday in the pictures that the paps caught of him and some mysterious girl. Guess the girl is not such a mystery anymore,” said Demi angrily. She got out and slammed the door.

“Demi wait. It’s not what you think,” pleaded Selena getting out and following her.

“Save it Selena. Justin came to me today and told me about you guys, but I convinced myself that he was lying. Guess the joke’s on me. I’m done with your lies,” replied Demi.

Selena dropped down to her knees with tears pouring down her face. “I love you Demetria. There is nothing going on with me and Justin. He probably dropped the necklace on purpose. He wants to separate us. I should have listened to you when you said that I shouldn’t trust him. I’m sorry,” apologized Selena.

Demi lay in bed looking up at the ceiling. Selena and she had been through so much. She had an engagement ring in her top dresser drawer waiting for the right moment. Suddenly a ring tone made her look over to her night stand. “Hello,” she said quietly as she picked up the phone.


“No. It’s Demi. My beautiful girlfriend is currently asleep wrapped in my arms. I just have one thing left to say to you little troll. You got nothing on me. I know that you’re a conniving little liar. I should’ve seen that from the start. Selly would never cheat on me, much less with a little beast like you. You can’t tell me lies, don’t even try. Goodbye,” said Demi with a grin.

She looked down to Selena’s sleeping face and pressed a loving kiss to the older girl’s forehead. “I love you Selenalena,” she whispered before falling asleep with the love of her life in her arms.


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