If I Could Take It All Back I Would Now

Jan 04, 2011 21:29

Title: If I Could Take It All Back I Would Now
Pairing: Mitchie/Alex
Chapter: Eighteen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Mitchie Torres finds herself in an awkward situation. Stuck between her first love and the love of her life, she makes the wrong choice and finds herself wishing that she could take it all back and try again. Life rarely gives second chances, will Mitchie get hers?
Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Disney. I just borrowed them for the purpose of my story.

Alex hired a guard for the entrance to her house and gave him specific orders not to let anyone in without hers or Mitchie’s approval. Satisfied that her family would be fine she headed to work. She sat at her desk working on a few designs when she heard a soft knock at her door.

“Miss Russo, the Grey brothers are here to see you,” said Kelly.

“Tell them to come on in and get us some coffee please. O and Kelly how many times do I have to tell you to call me Alex,” said Alex with a smile.

Nate and Jason walked into the spacious office and smiled at the beautiful girl sitting behind the desk.

Alex stood up and held her hand out. “Hi guys. I’m Alexandra Russo, but you can call me Alex. Have a seat,” she said indicating the chairs in front of her desk as she too sat down. “Well as I said before during our phone call, I’m Mitchie’s fiancé and we have a little problem in regards to our daughter, Sarah,” said Alex as Kelly walked back in and set the coffee mugs on the desk. “Thanks Kelly. No interruptions unless it’s Mitchie,” said Alex as Kelly closed the door.

Nate was staring at Alex until Jason gave him a subtle kick to remind him that she was off limits. Mitchie would have his head on a platter if he tried to hit on her girl. “So you and Mitchie have a daughter?” questioned Nate. “That’s great, Mitchie always loved kids, but what does that have to do with us, Alex?” questioned Nate as he sipped his coffee.

“Well, your brother Shane is Sarah’s biological father. Sarah is your niece,” revealed Alex.

Jason and Nate stared at her wide eyed unable to believe what they had just heard.

“Excuse me? Are you sure?” questioned Nate.

Alex nodded as she sipped her coffee. “After Mitchie left the Connect3 tour, she moved to New York as I’m guessing you guys already know. What you don’t know is that Mitchie figured out that she was bisexual not too long after. I met Mitchie when she enrolled at my high school and we started dating. After high school we moved in together and in our sophomore year of college Shane walked back into the picture, although I didn’t know it at the time. I caught them kissing and moved to Los Angeles without saying a word to Mitchie as to why I was leaving. I just got reunited with her not too long ago. Well apparently, she not only made out with Shane, but actually slept with him after Connect3’s concert in New York and became pregnant with Sarah. Shane laughed in her face and told her to get an abortion. Mitchie refused and took a job working as a nanny/maid, so that she could provide for Sarah. I found Mitchie when Mrs. Cooper hired me to do the interior decorating in her new home. Eventually we made up and got engaged. I consider Sarah my daughter. Your brother heard Mitchie on the radio and got a hold of our home address. The other day he came to our house demanding that Mitchie marry him or he would fight her for Sarah’s custody, because he wasn’t having two dykes raise his daughter. Tess Tyler is going to testify in our favor about Shane’s drug habits and promiscuous ways. She gave me your phone number and I’m hoping that you are willing to help Mitchie and I keep our daughter. I know that Shane is your brother, but he doesn’t deserve Sarah,” said Alex as tears ran down her face.

Nate jumped up and paced the office angrily, while Jason shook his head in disbelief.

“How could he ask Mitchie to get rid of their child? I’m ashamed to call him my brother. Our parents raised us better than that, but the spotlight has gone to Shane’s head. He only cares about money, fame, and partying,” said Jason as he wiped tears from his own eyes. “Count on me Alex. I love Mitchie and would love if you allowed me to be a part of my niece’s life,” said Jason with a hopeful smile.

Nate turned towards Alex with a determined look on his face. “The same goes for me Alex. Shane does not deserve to call my niece his daughter. Mitchie has suffered way too much because of him. The judge will love to know that Shane spends most of his money on drugs and girls. He is not fit to be a father,” stated Nate as he took his seat again and reached for Alex’s hand with a friendly smile. “I’m happy that Mitchie found someone like you, it’s obvious that you really love her. I would love to be a part of Sarah’s life as well,” said Nate.

Alex grinned at the two brothers and rounded the desk to hug them. “Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. Give me a call whenever you want, so that we can arrange for you to meet Sarah. She will love you guys,” said Alex happily.

Meanwhile, in the Russo household, Mitchie was busy working on a new song. Sarah was at the Cooper’s playing with Brad so she had some free time. The intercom rang indicating that there was someone at the front gate.

“Miss Torres, there is a gentleman here by the name of Shane Grey requesting to speak with you. Should I let him in?” inquired Damian.

Mitchie wondered what the hell Shane wanted now. “Damian, please ask him what he wants?” instructed Mitchie.

“He says that he apologizes for his behavior the other day and wants to discuss the matter that you have previously discussed,” replied Damian.

“Let him in Damian, but if you hear me press the intercom please come inside immediately. That would indicate that I want you to escort him out,” said Mitchie.

Mitchie opened the door to a smiling Shane. “What do you want Shane? I thought we had already talked about everything. We will solve this problem in court,” stated Mitchie.

“I’m sorry Mitchie. I know that I have screwed up multiple times, but please just hear me out,” begged Shane.

Mitchie opened the door and allowed him to come in. They headed into the living room and sat down. “Okay, Shane you have ten minutes,” said Mitchie with her arms crossed.

Shane smiled at her. “Look I must admit that I got jealous the other day when you told me that you were with Alex. I still have feeling for you Mitchie even though I have never done much to prove that to you. I understand that you love Alex and honestly I wish you two the best. You deserve to be happy. All I ask is that you allow me to be a part of my daughter’s life. I know what I said when you told me you were pregnant and I have regretted it every day of my life. I want to be a father to her Mitchie. She will be a lucky little girl with two mothers and a father,” said Shane with a grin.

Mitchie looked at Shane in disbelief. “Shane, how can I trust you? You planned the whole meeting back in New York because you wanted to break me and Alex up. You told me to get an abortion when I told you that I was pregnant. How am I supposed to trust you with one of my most valuable possessions? I love Sarah and Alex more than anything and would die if something were to happen to either one of them,” replied Mitchie.

Shane got up and kneeled in front of Mitchie with tears in his eyes. “I know Mitch. I have been a complete jerk to you. I don’t know if I would trust me if I were in your shoes, but I have matured a lot. I want to spend time with my daughter. Please, Mitchie, just one weekend a month or something. Let me be around for her birthdays, for holidays. I will prove to you that I have changed,” pleaded Shane.

Mitchie smiled at him. “You sound like the guy I met in Camp Rock. Sarah would be lucky to have you in her life. How about if you pick her up on Saturday morning? Lexy and I are planning a huge birthday party for her that day. She turns four on Friday, so we have the party planned for Saturday. You can entertain her while we set up the house and then you can come back and enjoy the party with us. Call your parents and your brothers too. Alex’s family is flying in from New York and so are my parents. Sarah can finally have all of her family together,” said Mitchie happily as Shane jumped up and hugged her.

“Thank you so much Mitchie. You have no idea how much this means to me. I’m going to buy my daughter the biggest present that I can find. Forget about the custody battle, there is no need. We are all friends here, aren’t we?” questioned Shane with a grin.

Mitchie nodded. “Yes, Shane, we’re all friends. You don’t need to buy Sarah anything. Being a part of her life is the biggest present that you can give her. She’ll love having a daddy in her life. I’m guessing you and Lexy are going compete on who spoils her the most,” said Mitchie with a laugh.

“But she will be a little girl surrounded by people who love her,” said Shane with a grin as he got up to leave.

Mitchie kissed Shane’s cheek and closed the door leaning on it with a smile. She was so glad that everything had worked itself out without the need for court battles.

take back

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