If I Could Take It All Back I Would Now

Dec 24, 2010 01:16

Title: If I Could Take It All Back I Would Now
Pairing: Mitchie/Alex
Chapter: Sixteen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Mitchie Torres finds herself in an awkward situation. Stuck between her first love and the love of her life, she makes the wrong choice and finds herself wishing that she could take it all back and try again. Life rarely gives second chances, will Mitchie get hers?
Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Disney. I just borrowed them for the purpose of my story.

Half a year went by and since Mitchie was now a stay at home mom, she spent the day playing with Sarah, composing, and pouring through bride’s magazines. She wanted everything to be perfect for her and Alex’s wedding day, but despite all of the potential locations that they had seen, none seemed right.

“Get your shoes and jacket on, babe. I’ll grab Sarah. I found the perfect place for our wedding,” said Alex with a huge grin as she walked out of the elevator and headed to her daughter’s room.

Alex expertly maneuvered her Land Rover onto Durand Drive, which was a street that was very familiar to Mitchie and she lifted a questioning eyebrow at Alex as they drove past the Cooper’s home. A couple of houses later, Alex stopped and pressed a button in the Rover and drove through the gate, with a push of the button she closed the gate again and drove down the winding driveway. She parked in front of an elegant Villa that resembled an Italian Palazzo. Alex turned to grin at Mitchie and then got off the car to let Sarah out of her car seat. “Come on, Mitch. Let’s go out back. The terrace is perfect for the wedding,” said Alex as she grabbed Sarah’s hand with one hand and took Mitchie’s with the other.

Mitchie’s eyes went wide as she took in the luxury of the place. It was gorgeous. No detail had been ignored and she had yet to even see the inside. Mitchie turned towards Alex with a huge grin as she inspected the terrace. “Lexy, this place is perfect. I want to get married here,” said Mitchie excitedly.

“That can be arranged. Welcome home Miss Torres soon to be Russo,” announced Alex and chuckled as Mitchie’s mouth dropped open.

Mitchie looked at Alex with wide eyes unsure if she had heard her correctly. “You’re kidding. This place must cost a fortune,” whispered Mitchie.

Alex grinned. “It’s a good investment and my family is worth it,” said Alex with a shrug.

“But Alex the penthouse is great. There was no need for you to spend your hard earned money on this beautiful yet extravagant home,” said Mitchie.

Alex walked towards Mitchie with a soft smile on her lips and took her girlfriend’s hands as she faced her. “Mitchie, the penthouse is great for two young women, but it’s not the place to raise a family. I want Sarah and her future siblings to have a place to run and play. My brothers and I didn’t have a backyard. We grew up in the sub shop and played down on the street. I want my children to run free in the safety of their own backyard. I chose to buy this house because it has everything that I’ve always wanted in a home and because it’s so close to the Coopers. I know that you miss them and Sarah misses Brad,” explained Alex.

Silent tears rolled down Mitchie’s face as she hugged her future wife. “Thank you Alex. You are so selfless when it comes to doing what’s best for our family,” said Mitchie before pulling back slightly. “So you want to have more kids?” questioned Mitchie.

“I want one or two more kids, so that Sarah has someone to grow up with and protect like Justin protected me. Don’t you want anymore?” asked Alex with a frown.

Mitchie smiled and nodded. “Yes, I do. I want a baby that’s yours since the very first day,” whispered Mitchie.

Alex placed a hand on Mitchie’s stomach. “I bet that you are going to be one sexy pregnant woman. I’m even looking forward to the crazy cravings that you will get. Answer me one question though, is it true that pregnant women are hornier?” whispered Alex so that Sarah couldn’t hear.

Mitchie burst out laughing as she nodded. “Yes, it was torture being pregnant with Sarah because I was constantly sexually frustrated, but now I have my Lexy Bear to take care of me,” said Mitchie seductively causing Alex to grin happily. “O and fyi, during my pregnancy with Sarah I craved lots of pickles so no complaining when I eat them all,” joked Mitchie.

Alex gave Mitchie and Sarah the grand tour of their new house. It had five bedrooms, eight bathrooms, a music room (Alex had specifically requested one), a media room, a huge kitchen, and formal dining room. “I haven’t decorated any of the rooms because I want us to do it together,” explained Alex. “I want your input in the decisions that I make.”

“What are you doing with the penthouse Lexy?” questioned Mitchie.

“I’m keeping it. Christy is going to continue living there for now,” answered Alex as she chased Sarah around the huge foyer.

About a month later the girls were finally settled into their new home. All decisions had been made mutually except for Mitchie’s music room and Alex’s studio. Basically they had just needed to furnish the place since it was brand new and nothing needed remodeling.

Alex leaned on the doorframe to the music room with a proud smile as she heard Mitchie play the piano. The younger girl was oblivious to the fact that her biggest fan was currently watching her as she finished up the song that she had been working on.

I never meant to let you all down
And now I've got to try to turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe it's not too late
Maybe it's not too late

Mitchie turned as she heard clapping. “Lexy, I didn’t know you were home baby,” said Mitchie turning on her piano bench, so that Alex could sit on her lap.

“You’re so talented sweetheart. O before I forget, I got a strange phone call earlier. Some guy named Ace Davis says that he got your demo and he can’t wait to meet you in person. Ever heard of him?” questioned Alex.

Mitchie shrieked happily and jumped up knocking Alex to the floor on her butt. “Heard of him, are you kidding? He’s the Ace Davis owner of Sunset Records!” squealed Mitchie before helping Alex up. “Wait a minute. How did he get my demo? Alexxxx!” whined Mitchie.

Alex looked at Mitchie innocently. “What? O okay. I did the recent remodel for Sunset Records about a year ago for a very good price. Let’s say that Ace was very thankful and said that he owed me one, so I figured that it was time to ask for a favor,” explained Alex. “And before you complain, he didn’t know that you were my fiancé before listening to the demo, so he wasn’t bias while listening to it. I told him who you were after he told me that he needed to meet with you as soon as possible,” said Alex as she hugged Mitchie. “Tomorrow we will leave Sarah at Christy’s day care around noon. We will have a nice lunch together and then we will go to your meeting at Sunset Records at two,” said Alex happily

* * * * *

A tall and handsome man in an Armani suit stood up when Alex dragged a reluctant Mitchie into the office. He rounded the desk and hugged Alex tightly. “Alex, it’s been way too long,” he exclaimed with a grin before turning towards Mitchie. “I assume that the beautiful woman hiding behind you is your fiancé and future star of Sunset Records,” said Ace with a grin.

Alex nodded and turned towards Mitchie cupping her face. “Baby, I’m right here. Calm down and talk to Ace. He doesn’t bite I promise and if he tries I’ll beat him down,” joked Alex.

“So you ready to talk contract Mitchie?” questioned Ace with a huge grin. Mitchie’s eyes got huge as she nodded. She and Alex sat in front of Ace’s desk. Mitchie finally started talking to Ace freely and after discussing some important terms she was signing on the dotted line. She would have a three record commitment to Sunset Records, but have total creative freedom. His staff would make suggestions, but any final decisions were Mitchie’s.

Ace stuck his hand out to shake Mitchie’s and she pulled him into a hug. “Thank you so much Mr. Davis,” said Mitchie as happy tears ran down her cheeks. Her dreams were finally coming true. After such a long wait, she Mitchie Torres would be recording a studio album.

“Call me Ace and thank you for working with Sunset Records,” said Ace with a grin.

Alex wrapped her arms around her girl and thanked Ace promising that he would definitely be invited to the wedding if they ever agreed on a date.

Mitchie enrolled Sarah in Christy’s day care since she had to spend a couple of days a week at the studio, but soon the hard work paid off. Alex and Mitchie were driving home from picking up Sarah when they suddenly heard…

Here is Sunset Records’ newest artist and if she keeps producing songs like this she is sure to be a hit for a long time to come. Mitchie Torres’ “It’s Not Too Late” and you heard it here first…

Here am I am, feels like the walls are closing in
Once again, it's time to face it and be strong
I wanna do the right thing now
I know it's up to me somehow
I've lost my way

The rest of the song was drowned out as Mitchie and Alex squealed happily. Unfortunately, someone else had also tuned into the station during the song.

I never meant to let you all down
And now I've got to try to turn it all around
And figure out how to fix this
I know there's a way, so I promise
I'm gonna clean up the mess I made
Maybe it's not too late
Maybe it's not too late

Once again that was Mitchie Torres, Sunset Records’ newest artist with her debuting single “It’s Not Too Late”

“So you finally got signed,” said the person as they shut off the car radio with a grin.

take back

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