May 13, 2025 18:40

So I know I didn't really tell any about this, but.....Since most of the people who read my journal are my friends anyways from now on I'm making my journal friends only.  There'll be a couple here or there that will be like fan girl rants or even possible ficcage when I get the balls to do it publicly, but that's it.  Don't take it personal, I just want to make this more my homies.

If you do want be my friend, please comment.  I mean it, and not int a negative way, but in a positive.  I really want tons and tons of friend so don't feel threatened if this journal is friends only.  Just comment, let me know where you know me and BOOM, it's done.

So if your not my friend now, LET'S BE FRIENDS GUYZ!!

So yah, PRESS THAT COMMENT LINK IF YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND ALREADY.  Pweeeeeeeeeease!!  I <3 friends!!



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