Jan 31, 2008 01:12

Ok guys so here it is!! FINALLY I updated.  Though you guys shouldn't be too suprised since me and live journal are wierd.  Go for months without updating then I'll update pretty consistently and then I'll just NOT update.  Random thing is I'll check my friend's list ALL the freakin' time.  Wierd? Yah I know.  Also been working on this post off and on all day, between class and this paper for HI 200, I've gotten my fair share of interruption

So yeah my break was pretty off the freakin' hook not gonna lie.  Had TWO family get togethers in which I chilled with cousins I haven't seen in awhile, with the occasional family drama thrown in of course (when is there NOT family drama in a family?).  As for X-mas itself a got a frig ton of clothes and cd's I've been wanting and the big things were my new Digital Camera (from the rents) and my 80 GB iPod (got thanks to all the gift cards I recieved from friends and family).

Plus of course I got a much NEEDED break from everything.  I didn't really want to do anything this break besides hang out with my friends, and that's specifically with my friends.  I was especially happy that I got to hang out with people I haven't seen all too much like Schild, Carson, and Dianna, since they all are quality, quality people.    Highlights were definitely New Years as well as going to Game Universe to play rock band.  And the sleepover at Sa's was pretty epic I'm not gonna lie, and my incredible use of "lawl" is now apart of my vocabulary.  I also got to hang out with (home) Alex and  his girlfirend Darielle a frig ton, too.This was kinda wierd cuz I had barely hung out with them at all before this break, I'd never even been to their apartment.  By the end of break, I was pretty much going to their apt. every other day and just chillin' with them.  It probably helps that Alex has both an XBox 360 and PS3, and has Assasin's Creed :siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh: ^_^, but it's still fun too.  I love their dog too, she's like a younger version of Cinnamon for how freakin' hyper she is, especially when people are over. And also Darielle might give me a hook up with her job and get me an internship this summer.  WOOOOOOOT!!!

While break was cool, school has definitely been totally....not...cool, like at all.  While generally in terms of course numbers, the difficulty isn't that bad but the work load is killer.  But it's just I've never gotten this much work so early in the semester before, it's a little overwhelming.   Though I will admit that my schedule is pretty freakin' tight in that I average about only 3 hours of class a day, which fuckin' rocks in my mind, and I only have one class on Tuesdays, WOOOOOOOOOOT!!!  Most of my classes I"m either incredibly enjoying (both my History class fuckin' KICK ASS!!!) and my other two classes are meh at the moment.  Macro, I reason, only sucks now because we're reviewing Micro, and I aboslutely DESPISE microecon. And well Japanese is japanese, and the only reason I probably dislike it is because it's tedious and unlike my other classes I have to put a ton of effort into it and I totally suck ass at Japanese too (I don't even have to try hard in my other classes and I think I'm doing pretty well).

For those of you who don't know, cuz I don't know if I put this in and update, I'M TDING A SHOW THIS SEMESTER!!! YAAAAY!!!

((FYI:  For those of you who don't know TD is short for technical director, it means that your basically in charge of everything behind the scenes for your show: Lights, sound, set, costume, makeup, etc., with the exception of producing since we do have producers but even the producers report to the TD.  In other worlds, I RULE!! ))  ((lol jk guys XD, though I do rule anyways ))

lol I've always wanted to TD a show and now's my chance and I"m sooooo excited about it.  The show's called Buried Child (yah I've never heard of it either) and it goes up in early April and it's gonna be a pretty intense show to say the least.  Reason why I'm bringing up this was that I got the list of my tech crew for my show today.  :squeeeeeeeeeee: For those of you who don't know.  I'm DEFINITELY happy with the people I got, not only do I know most of the people on my crew but they're experienced enough that I know that they'll get the job done and get it done well.  Granted I expected a tech crew like that considering that it's a pretty tech intensive show and I was totally freaking out about that fact this weekend and praying that I had a good enough crew to go with the show.  Not to mention I have an awsome ATD, who I've been told was requested to TD for a show, and he's only a freshman.  So all in all I'm not dissapointed in the slightest.  Though I'm still kinda suprised that I"m put in charge of such a show like this, specially with the "circ saw incident" if you don't know about it GOOD...definitely NOT one of my best moments.  But idk, guess Rena (our Technical Advisor, and is basically head of ALL tech for Troupe) trusts that I"m capable or something, idk.  But it's gonna be one intense semester, there's no denying that fact in the least.

I also FINALLY got into Avater: the Last Airbender and Code Geass.  Both are incredibly epicly awsome and deserve a long post/discussion/fangirling over since they're just that awsome.  But that will wait for another time, since this was just meant for updateness on life, and honestly, it being me, that's a post worth in it of itself, and this post is turning out to be pretty freakin' long anyways.  Plus I'd prefer finishing Code Geass before I have a final say on it (THOUGH IT'S EPICLY AWSOME AND YOU ALL SHOULD FREAKING WATCH IT LIKE NOOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!), and let me just say both Avatar and Geass were SO worth the hype imho, and I look forward to seeing more of it down the line, and I'm DYING to watch the next episode of Avatar.  DAMN YOU NICKELODEON AND YOUR RETARDEDNESS TO NOT AIR NEW EPISODES!!!! :SHAKES FIST ANGRILY:

But yeah, I still got a frig ton to update about.  But I'll just leave that for another time.  Expect my anime/manga/etc. post, sometime hopefully soon, but I'm too tired to right it now.  Guess I'll just finish this paper tomorrow morning.  Don't have till 3 anyways, and I just gotta revise somethings in it, so it shouldn't bee too bad. 

school, xmas, avatar, troupe, friends, work, family, anime

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