Jul 21, 2005 15:23
Me and Fisheyes are hanging on a sidewalk in some foreign city at nite. There are lampposts and buildings on one side of the sidewalk (storefronts? stadium?). It felt like New Orleans cuz of the yellow light vibe around us. The sidewalk is white and as wide as the ones next to the water down by PNC Park. There are trees planted by the edge of the sidewalk with wood chips at the base. I start digging at teh base and find a dime and a quarter. Fisheyes needed the quarter so I yelled at him and gave him the damned thing. We putz around shooting the shit. The I proceed to dig into the wood chips again and found wads of cash. Now, i'm thinking that someone had to make a quick getaway recently and had noewhere to stash the goods except here. I pulled the rubberbanded wads out and yelled ecstatically to Fisheyes. I started to shove them down my dark blue corduroy short pockets. My pockets are deep but there are so many wads that they bulge out and almost overflow. I checked out one out and it feels like it was made out of Monopoly play paper money. I checked the backs to another and where the number 100 is printed on the corners of the bill, it's embossed/raised on the front face side, so it's sunken in on the back. I figured they are the new hundred dollar bills so I assumed that half of what I got is usuable. Still stoked.