Jan 14, 2005 13:07
So I'm moving out of Pittsburgh and decide to live in the woods where there are mobile homes/trailers and small homes on small unpaved roads. That sounds about right. So me, Troy, and someone else are on this small 4 wheel dirt vehicle which you see racing around a dirt track on ESPN sometimes heading towards our new pad to check it out before moving our stuff in. I dunno why we even bother and didn't just bring the stuff with us. So we actually run out of gas on the way there so we walk the rest of the way there. We get there and it's bascially a trailer home with the kitchen at one end and one room in the other with two beds on opposite side walls. The whole place is on a grade so I'm sitting on one of the beds and thinking this will not do. This is uncomfortable and my brain will hurt after spending time in a slanted place. So I tell Troy. this puts me in a predicament since I just moved out of Joe Hammer. Sari had something to do with it. Either she's moving back in or she's the one I told I'm leaving the hammer. Somehow I end up in a venue hall where there is a high big stage with bright lights shining on it. The rest of the place is dim and there's a side room next to the left of the stage (stage right). A bunch of people are in front and also in the side room like Eli. There's dance/booty music playing through the PA and no one is on stage. I guess people are just waiting for something to happen. I'm next to a video camera and I see myself through the eye piece jump onto the stage and roll across it towards the back and start spinning like I'm breakdancing. I keep watching the camera and I end up sliding back to the edge of the stage on stage right where I hopped on and I lie sideways with my head resting in my hand, elbow on the floor like I'm chillin and the coolest cat ever. Eli starts laughing and Sari is in front of me being amused by all this. I hear other people in the other room, maybe Makeout, talking about it.
I'm just lying on the carpet after having a sort of out of body experience. I notice I'm wearing a black Helmet shirt with teh same design as my unsung 7" cover. But the only difference is that the storm clouds on the shirt are in aqua green rather than dark grey.
All of a sudden Helmet shows up the the venue saying they have all their gear with them and are ready to go play my house. So I guess Helmet is supposed to play but not having any place in the new place is not a problem in my mind.
We travel through the road in the woods, but also a wet road next to the woods to the right where there big houses on the street like in Cleveland Heights when you are close to The Grog Shop. There are no signs of people or cars anywhere. There's also a Movie Theater complex like the one in South Side in the middle of a bunch of houses with a side street to divide the theater from the rest. All the houses and theater are on teh right side of the street while the trees/woods are on the left. We go down furtehr and end up at this seemingly abandoned (at least closed for the weekend) stone mansion. We all get out of our vehicles and we have an entourage. People from 80s hair metal bands are all there with us hanging out like: Ricki Rockett and Vince Neil. Basically dudes from Poison and Motley Crue. We all lose our minds when we see this grey heart shaped fountain/pool in front of the mansion. The point of the heart is directed away from us. I think Ricki dives in first. Everyone's laughing and having a blast. The outer ring of the heart shaped pool is quite shallow and then there's a grey marble to divide the shallow part from the middle, which is deeper. I decide to jump in by doing a flip in. When I am on the way down, I realize that i'm going to hit the divider. I hit my back on it but bounce into the deep middle. It didn't hurt me at all but i was a bit scared for my life for a little bit. I look around and there's a fountain basin coming out of the pool that is white and shaped like the bottom half of a clam. it's located near the top of the heart to the right. Then I went under the water and started swimming. All of a sudden i hear Vince yell for me to watch out. Then I see a fat guy band member (imaginary drummer?) cannonball into the water in front of me.