
May 14, 2003 01:47

or i was sleepy when i went to see dreamcatcher. that is not the kind of movie to see after reading the book. here's a bit of my ranting:
the book was a classic King horror story in that it was thick with intricite charecter background and twisty tricks that hold the plot together. the movie... was bad. the acting was pretty cheesy so that the inner dialouge would show through with blazing clarity. and figuring the movie would have to be 4 hours long to include all the cheesy acting to make clear the several charecter quirks found in the book, a few film tricks were used. flashbacks, poorly explained psychic connections and such helped frustrate me, as the inacuracies to the original story are blazing and lessen the quality of both works.
eh, read the book. skip the flick. or catch the movie first, that may save King fans from dozing during the completely re-written ending, as i did. in the book it wasnt that huge of an action end, more of a "idea to be learned": a destined realization that every thing happens for a reason, and everyone you meet is special. only in a fiction story could events fall into place so cleanly. and im a bit upset that they cut out the bacon. that would have saved it!
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