Fat Cat is Fat

Jul 17, 2009 16:25

As I was sweatily trudging along out of any breath I once had up the grueling Green Lane hill in an attempt to give myself an extra hard workout today, I thought to myself "Why can't people be happy being themselves?" I am not overweight, I am close to being overweight by the standards of my height vs build chart (http://www.healthchecksystems.com/heightweightchart.htm) because, yes, I am on the upper side of what they recommend to be close to unhealthy but, I am not a 350 pound woman by any means. In fact, I am not even overweight, yet I still am worried about how I measure in comparison to everyone else!

This all seems VERY ridiculous when you look at the actual facts of it all: 66% of adults in the United States are considered obese and 32.4% worldwide are seen as obese with Asians being the least percentage. When I think of it that way, I kind of feel lucky although NOT Asian. I might even eat the other half of my corned beef sandwich because hell, I am doing something to prevent it and it could always be worse (ask the cat).

the world, life, exercising

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