Oct 17, 2004 04:45
i am sick of this shit really i am.
i am tired of stupid two faced fucking bitches... who cant talk shit to my face.
but for some reason thats not considered talking shit seriously... do you think some one isnt gonna tell me your talking shit?
and this needs to be answered
is talking shit: talking about someone when they arent there called shit talking
and then tellig you they wouldnt say it if you were there in the room?
just a question.
and your actions arent much better either. pfft. that and you always have something bitchy
or smart elecy {?} to say to michael all the time. seriously just stop.
its annoying. we dont need your two cents. and if shit wasnt being talked then how come
when i walk into a room you dont even say hi? gay.
i think people think they just have the specheal priveledge to just start taking over shit.
its cute though.
that was actually nice. thnx.
imissmichael. i hope he is ok. he got way too fucked up tonight. and stupid shit just happend
tonight too. people seriously... just becasue some one doesnt like you... doesnt mean it is the end of the fucking world. next time just get in the car the first time we tell you too... becasue now i have a charlie horse and my nose is all stuffy because i had to run up the fn street,
seen my lovely andrea... i miss her too. she always puts me in such a good mood.
i love you.
gma is supposed to be helping me get an apt. hope that shit works out... if i dont get this
apt. hopefully [crosses fingers] she will help me get another one. :D
i am so happy my family and i are talking again... i needed it i really did. but i still feel like something is missing. i feel like i have done something wrong.... its like no one is really even
there any more. i d k maybe it is just me... i just feel like i need something. or someone. i d k
*seven i am sorry about shit... but i really think we need to talk about what happend last night.