Feb 18, 2005 01:32
since im so lazy and dont wish to write everything ive done today again i will simply paste and email that i wrote my sister today. some stuff u ppl dont care about but thats fine i care about u either. peace bitches
i need u to do me a favor if u talk to mom 2morrow before she leaves i need her to me me a couple of favors. i really really need her to pay my insurance and ill giv eher a check when she gets here cuz i tried paying online i cant find that shit. my insurance is due the 19th so that means she or u of she doesnt get a chance will need to do it for me. i would also love if she brought me all my stuff. that would be great. plus i was kinda hopeing that mom would bring me 1 lb, of pasta de bocaditos and stuff like that. cuban bread. ummm if u thik of anything else that i like that is prolly really hard to find here tell her to bring me some. i told her earlier that i would call her back cuz i wanted to talk to her about all this but u guys were online or someone was on the phone. ive had an insane day. not bad just insane i never stopped today. i worked from 9-4:30pm i had school from 5:30-6:15pm keep in mind that i had to drive to school i went to danny's job and helped them move some stuff for $30 from like 6:45/7-8pm then i was gonna get on the expressway to come home but i decided i would follow mandi thinking she was gonna go a way with no tolls and shit but the bitch went the wrong way a whole 15 minutes in the wrong direction we were in altamonte springs so thats when we turned around and started going back and we were on I-4 u know but i didnt know that she was gonna take I-4 to 408 cuz if i would have known that i wouldnt have followed her cuz that the way i was gonna go. loser any way since mandi speeds and i dont she was getting near home and she calls me and says hey do u have jumper cables i was like yea whath happened where r u blah blah blah. point is that i had to find an exit that wasnt an expressway which they all were and i got to valencia which is where i originally got on to go to downtown in the first place. anyway danny's car battery se discargo so i went back to pick him up cuz i cant give jump cuz itll fuck up my car. so i left my cables in his car so that danny could get his car in the morning when he gets drop off at work or whatever. point is i picked him up drove home again and got some stuff for the show and we went to the show this we got to the show at 10:15 so from 10:15-12:30am i was there. a non stop day.non stop. so yea please realy the message to mom. tell me about the job later. congrats love u besos
Sara Gil