I ganked this from Amy, who ganked it from another individual. It looked like fun :)
Your time of day has a split personality -- sometimes it's sweat-streaked and loud, and you're on the dance floor, getting your third wind, and shouting lyrics like you'll never run out of energy. You are the time of night that carves itself into your memory forever, because you'll never forget how much you love these people and this moment and this song. It's not always about unforgettable parties, though. Sometimes your late night (err? early morning) burst of energy happens when you're home alone. Those are the times when you say, "I flat out refuse to go to sleep until I finish reading this book, or typing this page, or reorganizing my entire closet." In either case, you are the time of night when it feels sort of forbidden to be awake, but you love accomplishing something special long after everyone else went to bed. And hey -- you can always catch up on sleep tomorrow, right?
Are you a fake? Even if you sometimes seem too good to be true, nobody knows for sure. The truth is -- you ARE a tiny bit fake, but you choose your fake moments so carefully that most people never suspect it's not the real you. You tend to fake it when you're trying to make a good first impression -- like acting enthusiastic in a job interview where you have to answer a question about your "biggest flaw." You know that at the right time and place, a little fakeness makes life easier, like admiring a friend's new clothes, even if they're not your style. So what if you're not 100% real? Your fakeness probably makes you a better friend.
You might want to make some changes in your life, but lately, you've been too busy to even think about what those changes might be. It seems like it's always time for your next activity or event, and if not, you're catching up on some much-needed sleep or cramming a slice of pizza in your mouth before you rush off again. If you're too busy to THINK, you're probably too busy to accomplish your biggest goals. Maybe it's time to slow down (even just a bit) and focus on the things that matter most?