Feb 18, 2007 01:38

Rotation 10!! :D *cheers and raises glass*
Actually 10 isn't that much for a rotation XD; But we felt like celebrating ourselfs anyway~ :D
This rotation is going to burst of downloads, so tell all your friends! :P
You will so hate us for spamming you, but we don't care, because we love spamming and typing this whole thing up was so much fun! x)

I updated my playlist. I made three topics now: Jrock, anime, PV/clips. Should be better this way~ :/

Recently I got a bit sad. So many people just added fukainoyami to their friendslist, but never ever commented. That made me very sad. Since we are having work with this and a life too we like to at least know if you like what we upload and we appreaciate each comment. Even if it's just a small 'Thank you'. I'm no one of those people who set the rotation on a Hiatus just because of receiving too less comments, but I'd like to point out what I think about it. So, please, please comment if you take something! :3 Kage and me would really love you for it!

This rotation isn't complete yet. Some of kagechii's comments are missing... so yea... it will be complete tomorrow I think oO' Complete! x)

Enough of my babble, you'll have to take it enough under the cut! (Believe me!) XD So, here we go! :]

Click, click for the RULES & REQUESTS :D

Credit goes to the fabulous sanghamyers!! (Thank you so much again, dear!! X3)

16th February 1976

3,21MB // 3:30min // 6/10
in_monochrome says: S is a song with disorted vocals and it sounds sooooo Indie! (cause it is? oO') The opening is great the rest is rather... a thing eveyone has to decide if he/she/it likes it XD Some days I can stand this song and like it, other days I just skip it X__X
kageichii says: I’ve never really listened to this song since I generally don’t listen to Missa as much as their other albums. S is kind of…weird. XD; It’s not horribly bad, but it’s weird. It’s amazing how much Diru’s style has changed from this, that’s for sure. Kyo’s voice is a bit strange in this, it’s like they added some weird digital effects or something. The music seems simple, but quite…danceable? :S
Spoil my body like a parasitic worm.

The Domestic Fucker Family (live @ 5Ugly Kingdom)
4,24MB // 3:05min // 9/10
kagechii says: This is a fun song, studio recording or live! I love all the sounds Kyo makes in this live! I can actually make out the word ‘fucker’! In the album version, I thought it was just one of the many weird sounds Kyo likes to make. XD Instruments and background digital effects are great, especially the…electric accordion? XD; That’s what it sounds like to me.
in_monochrome says: Definitely not your song if you hate the F-word. And the 5Ugly live version just because the instruments sounds damn great live! *~* Bass love~ Guitar love~ Drums love~ Rrrr~ And growling of Kyo, Toshiya and Die! XD What's left to say? A restless song with hard riffs and if you think about Kyo jumping around over the stage and still having enough breath to 'sing'! o.O The part at 1:35min was always one of my faves - at this live not that great, but still it's love, because all the instruments sound great.
Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure

CLIP - Kyo spies on fans
2,54MB // 0:15min // 10/10
kageichii says: Um... I only got 15 seconds with this clip. I'm not sure if this really is the whole thing, but you can still definitely see Kyo spying on fans, it’s amazing how loud it sounds like he walks in this, how do you expect for fans not to hear you Kyo? XD They got a lotta loli-dressing fans it seems. O.o; Or at least they’re really frilly.
in_monochrome says: A 'must seen' and I can't say anything more without being killed by Koy himself XDD; [I think it was Die come through the curtain, or?]
Kyo's a fan stalker!! XD

Mama [zenryaku, o genki desu ka? saihate no chi yori na mo naki kimi ni ai wo komete]
5,82MB // 5:05min // 8/10
kagechii says: One of Kyo’s more catchier solo works, in my opinion, and apparently the only song released with his second poem book. It seems jazzy, but of course, this be Kyo of Dir en grey we all know and love (or at least in_monochrome and I do XD), so it has a dark undertone to it. There are some strange sound-mixings thrown in, which seems to be normal in all of Kyo’s solo works.
in_monochrome says: My first thought - when Kage sent me this song on Thursday - was that it sounds a lot like what one can find on the new album! :D A bit of Disabled Complexes maybe, but without the bass, more swingy & jazzy and with a very good guitar line. Personally I think that this is the best song of Kyos solo project. It has a swingy piano and at all has a very ghostly atmosphere. It would fit perfectly in the anime Cowboy Bebop! :D
"Buy and sell, byebye"

17th February 1974

First: Since I'm obsessed fangirl huge fan of Kaoru I wanted to upload about 10 songs he wrote - just to show what different styles of music he's to write and what masterpieces they actually are. There are too many. You can't imagine how hard it was to pick just 3 songs X__X (Kage picked the fourth) If I had could put up more songs I surely had also picked -mushi-, Child Prey, -karasu-, embryo & Akuro no oka.And maybe lots more XD; I tried picking songs some people sadly forgotten about. And I'm happy Kage picked Macabre~! X3
That's all.

5,98MB // 4:19min // 10/10
in_monochrome says: Berry... the opening is love, isn't it? :D That childs voice saying such nice things! XDD Woah~ that song is so fast! *dizziness* Kyo himself said about Berry that he could have never imagined Kaoru to write a song like this. He was shocked and when he listened to it for the first time he kept saying to himself, "this is not the type that I sing", "this song does not suit me". But surprisingly Kaoru already had the image of him singing this sort of song in mind. (I almost cited that interview now XD) Fact is that this song is different. I would claim it as the way better version of Jessica. The music is so funny and makes you happy - so Kyos singing does, but the text and the including fight conversation between mother and father (& child and dog? XD) is just pure horror. Cause this song is about the kid killing their parents~ Nice isn't? x) And now download this or I'll kill you too~
kagechii says: Eh…such a yummy song. XD The intro really amuses me, although I really hope that’s not Kyo. O.o; Heavy guitar usage, of course, Kaoru wrote this. I like this song, but at the worst times, I get a headache from all the guitars and drumming. @@;
I sneak up on my mommy and daddy when they fall asleep, shall I shoot through you first?

Mazohyst of Decandence
12,91MB // 9:12min // 10/10
in_monochrome says: I have a love-hate relationship with this song. On the one hand it's one of those masterpieces, one of those songs you will never find again, brilliant and unique. But on the other hand it's an awful one huge hell of a song. This might be the most brutal song ever - in a very disturbing, disgusting, genius-like way. I can't stand that song - it makes me depressed. The baby laughter, the screaming and the despair and the bitterness... you don't even have to know the lyrics to feel what this is about. The creepy music and singing, the ripple of the water, the playing of drums and bass together... the atmosphere is so dark in here. One shouldn't read the lyrics while listening to it - you'll end up crying! A song from the point of view of a baby that gets aborted. The pain just hits you and stabs your heart. This song gets scaring close to you. Especially when you're really sensitive. You hear the child dying, hear the conversation of the doctor and the 'mother', hear the baby scream and Kyos shouting... X___X This song is fucking genius! Period. An now show me one band that can beat this!
kagechii says: This has got to be one of the creepiest songs that I’ve ever come across, and I love it! X) Am I a sick person for saying so? You don’t even have to read the lyrics to know that this is a twisted song, you can just hear it in the music and the way Kyo is singing. It’s about an abortion, sung from the unborn baby’s point of view. I really do miss the older style of Diru. T_T

MACABRE -sanagi no yume wa ageha no hane- (live @ Blitz 5Days)
9,97MB // 10:49min // 1.000.000/10 XD~
in_monochrome says: I. Love. This. Song!! *~* And since I subbed it and uploaded it on youtube I'm so much in love with it that I really can't even express myself in words (lie) XD I'm so sad they don't play that song live now-a-days anymore T__T It's the longest song and it's the one with the most musical changes within. Never disturbing or not fitting - the whole thing is thought up so well that it makes me shiver and cry almost everytime. Not just musically a masterpiece - lyrically I personally love it too, cause it's such a simple, but good story: A just hatched out butterfly get's eaten by a bird.
All the instruments sound so well, everyone is fully controlling his instrument and Kyos voice is just to die for. You can feel the breath-taking passion during the whole live, the intensive drum playing. My first favorite part in this song is 2:11 when Kyo sings "Ai sakimidare" (which means kinda something like "dear pupa") and Dies short guitar jingling. Love it! <3 The part when Kyos voice melts with the jingle and Kaorus guitar softly takes you over to bass and drums again... no words for actually the whole song. I'm writing too much, but I can't describe this song just the feelings ^^; 4:10 till 6:15 makes you totally hallucinating! Just listen to it. Disorted noises, voices... What is this song doing with your mind? 5:15 - Die and Kaoru ex-change short guitar solos feeling like a fight between bug and bird 6:16 and you feel the peak of the song coming closer and 6:40 when Kaorus absolutely amazing guitar solo gets in you just... DIE! And you won't even realize Kyo starting singing again, because you are so far away in an other world at that time and then you're suddenly thinking "Oh... it contiunes!" But when you just noticed that Toshiya bass solo gets in and is so depressing at that time, but Dies guitar is the light and it gets 'brighter' again. Maybe the relieving death of the bug. The last sung lines are from the point of view of the bug btw.
It's so hard to describe this song, since it's just so fucking awesome! If you won't listen to this and aren't curious after reading this... I'll despair XD You can just feel all this when you really let this song through to you. Just listen to it and do nothing else. 11 minutes can't be spend off better than this! That was my spreaded love for this song~ :3
kagechii says: Um…I’ll just let you read Anni’s description because I’m a lazy ass I have way less to say about the song that she has. XD Other than it’s fucking awesome! *_* Macabre was one of my first Diru songs (it’s either this one or egnirys cimredoph +) an injection, I can’t remember which right now) and when I downloaded this from Anni *does not have many Diru lives*, it was my first time listening to it live! Such love for this song is hard for me to express in words! Although, if you haven’t noticed by now, I have a hard time expressing anything in words, but this song is great! XP Download it! (Heh, I lied too. XD)
Watch the subbed live of mine on youtube. Even better with translation~ ;D
Turning, you turn and turned as you melt away. Shall we blend together into one?

Zakuro (live @ Blitz 5Days)
12,50MB // 9:06min // 10/10
in_monochrome says: An other live from Blitz. If you have the money: Buy these DVDs!! 5 DVDs of Diruism. Zakuro is also from the Macabre album (Degs monster work) and I think Kyo hates singing this song, cause it takes so much out of him and always makes him suffer so much. Some of my friends think that I'm crazy for loving Zakuro more than -mushi-. Both ballads are so heart stabbing that it hurts. Kyos voice shivers and all of this is real emotion. Not a show or anything else. Even though he sings from the point of view of a girl. He said in an interview: "When I received the song from Kaoru, I felt that this song had a great atmosphere [...]. However he requested me to sing with horror! Then as I sing along, it gets more and more disturbing and he said he doesn't want the audience to feel abused." What actually happens. This song is painful and mean to your soul... Over and over he screams "Aishite iru" (I love you), throws his micro away, but still screams along. He expresses things we always want to bottle up, shouts them out, scratches his chest when words aren't enough anymore. To most people this stays not understandable. Indeed it hurts so much hearing and seeing him like that, it's pressing and yet tragic. Dir en grey is more than music and their fans count to the most obsessive you'll ever meet! XD But there is something about this band that can't be put in words, shouldn't be maybe. Dir en grey has simply an own genre. There are just two things existing: You either hate this band to death or love it to death. There is nothing in between. Nothing.
kagechii says: …ditto? o.o; I think Anni’s description is sufficient enough. XD
I am breaking burning the letter it's reduced to ash. I am breaking destroy my heart it's reduced to ash. I am breaking losing you - I love you.

23th February 1978

Ugly (live @ 5Ugly Kingdom)
6,96MB // 5,04min // 10/10
in_monochrome says: Oh yes, we have many lives up this week! :D Ugly... so creepy again~ x) Is Kyo actually singing in the beginning? It sounds so freaky, but he does. I'm an addicted of the loud-silent effect. This one is love! [And I still wait for the day when Kyo shots "DIIIIE!!" and Die just says: "Yes?! :D" God, that would be so damn brillaint XDDD;] *cough* The drum solo isn't the best you'll ever hear, but the atmosphere is just great, especially when Kaorus guitar gets in and pushes the whole thing further. I like this live. It's so powerful and I love singing and headbanging along to this :D It just makes you really bouncy. And it's the prove that Shinya is able to write 'hard' songs. *giggles*
kagechii says: Eh? Shinya wrote Ugly? :O *bricked* This sounds so cool live, I love Kyo’s creepy-cool voice and the music, wish I had some visuals to go with this though. Ah wells, there’s not really much for me to say here either, too many comments made already! XD Just download and enjoy!

8,41MB // 6:06min // 9/10
in_monochrome says: This is probably the song you would expect at last from Dir en grey (that's probably because Shinya wrote it XD). It has violins!! And a girl sightly singing in the beginning and in the middle. It takes a while till the instruments get in. First the guitars, then lightly the drums with the bass and the song gets faster runned by Shinyas drumming. For me this song has still something ghostly, maybe of the whole disorted & echoing voice of Kyo. Beware 3:19min!!! There is a strange 'peeeeeeeep' and that can kill your ears, if you listen to this too loud or through headphones! ^^; Not, the file isn't damaged, it's simply a part of the song. If you look for a different song of them... Hotarubi should be downloaded~
kagechii says: I really mis this type of Diru song, especially after listening to the songs from their current album which is mostly a new style of screaming and growling I have to get used to! ;o; This is such a wonderful song, all of their Macabre songs really are. I want to hear more songs from Shinya! X3 Kyo’s voice just floats through the speaker right to your ears, this has a lullaby-like quality to it. There’s also some interesting feminine vocals drifting in the background here and there and such lovely violin music mixed in! Such love! It’s hard to put how amazing this song is in words, I am not worthy! Needless to say, if you don’t already have this song, download it!
The light of the fireflies and the flower of the lily blooming. In the night of our renuion.

Making Of 'embryo'
33,0MB // 3:18min // 9/10
in_monochrome says: RAWR! x) Die fools arround. Die & Kaoru are teasing Shinya (like always). Poor Shinya - WTF are they doing with him and holding cigerettes in his face?! D: This video also shows how easy it is to impress men! XD "Woaaaah~ a car crashing down! 8D" R.e.t.a.r.d.s. :B
kageichii says:
Download the Making Of~


[[in_monochrome's PICKS]]


Artist: Head Phones President
Song: Groan and Smile
7,27MB // 5:17min // 10/10
Comment: Know what "new" Diru reminds me of?? Of Head Phones Presidents!! XDDDD; No, no... REALLY!! I don't lie. Do you think I would lie? D: Pfff~ *laughs* (this is just a joke so don't slap me! XD) This band is awesome and they deserve more love! The front singer was a seiyuu from Sailor Moon years ago and now she makes hrad rock with three other guys. Her English is... yes... not very good. But that doesn't really matter, because... ah, just listen to it and you'll know what I mean. And this is a bass line! What a great bass line!! X__X This girl has definitely power!! You'll either love this or don't. I won't wonder if you don't :/ But if you search for good female Jrock - good hard female Jrock - then go for some Head Phones President (or D[di:] XD)!
Groan and Smile is my all time favorite. Maybe sounds a bit like they worked with Apocalyptica... but better. The beginning is depressive and I must admit that her singing is awesome here! Shivers include. The orchestra in the background and the clavier mixing up with the bass make such a great atmosphere. Plus her singing! *~* The song gets better and better with the time and all classical and rock instruments, the singing melts into each other. You feel surounded and like took of the ground and your body within this. Great song!! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
If you fly I fly. If you fly I fly~


Artist: The GazettE
Song: Cassis (live @ Nameless Liberty Six Guns)
6,75MB // 7:06min // 10/10
Comment: Time for some major love! <3 I want this DVD! D: Reitas bass! *____* *cough* To much fangirling in this rotation....This version sounds much better than the studio version and Rukis voice sounds brilliant and so 'comfortable'~ x3 (I ripped this song by my own btw so I should be put in a jail~) What can I say about this, besides that it's so much love and all the instruments sound just awesome? And Kais background vocals are so sweet! X3 The usage of three guitars in this makes a great background. And I really like Aoi and Uruahas solos. [insert bitchy 'A special person who I worship would have played it better though' here XDDD;] No, no. Uruahs solos in the end is so beautiful and feels just wonderful. A great performance! So all in all this is a must download~ :D
Ai weehl falk togesssaaar~


Song: Evil
2,95MB // 3:15min // 9/10
Comment: Raw, loud and evil~ :D Great drumming that is pouding in ones ears. Probably not the best Art-School, but one great hell of fun and jumping around in your room :D My picks are odd this time, I know, but that's just how it is~ This song is just as messy as it should be. Rrrr~ (it's almost 2am and my brain died long ago, sorry XD)
I've gotta leave her!!

kagechii's PICKS


Artist: Dir en grey
Song: The Pledge
5.37 MB // 3:55 min // 9/10
Comment: I know everyone has probably snagged all of The Marrow of a Bone by now, but I still wanted to share one of the few songs I really liked. To be honest, The Marrow of a Bone was disappointing, I mean, I do like the album at least, but I don’t really love it right now. After going through all of the older Dir en grey songs, I realized that I really miss their earlier works a lot. T.T I guess I just have to get used to all the new style of screamy, growliness. =\ *sighs* Anyway, The Pledge almost reminds me of Kodou, in the sense that it’s like a loud song yet a soft one at the same time. *makes no sense*
Some good new Diru


Artist: L'arc~en~Ciel
Song: Time Goes On
6.48 MB // 4:43 min // 9/10
Comment: This song so does not fit with the rest of my picks, but I really like it. ^^ The music combined with Hyde’s voice is so soothing and calming, I love how everything in this just flows with this. The intro’s all pretty and twinkly and continues throughout the entire song as well. If you’re ever stressed out, this song’s one to listen to help you relax, although please do not be falling asleep if you need to be doing something important. ^^;
As time goes on, things may fade


Artist: Kirito
9.96 MB // 4:21 min // 10/10
Comment: When I first heard the intro, the first thing that came to mind was "Umbrella? Kirito’s covering Diru’s Umbrella? O.o;" I’m serious that the drum intro sounds almost like Umbrella’s! XD Anywho, the guitars and funky digital effects then kick in and you know it’s definitely not Diru music. This song is apparently part of the Death Note Tribute album, I don’t really know much about that except that loads of people apparently love it. =\ But that’s not why I have it, it’s Kirito of Pierrot after all! :D His voice in this is all rough and growlyish, it’s awesome and fits with the music quite well! X)
Welcome to my garden



Artist: Antic Café
Song: Wagamama Kyonshiki
6,61 MB // 4:38 min // 9/10
Requested by: _ciao_
in_monochrome says: A good and fast An Cafe song. I always find myself sind the "Lalalalala!"-part along with Miku! XD; I begin to really like the song at about 2:03, before that I think it's quite boring... *cough* But then comes Bous guitar solo and the mentioned "Lalalalala"-part and I'm lost XDD
kagechii says: I hate this name! It’s so hard to remember, I can never spell it right first time around…in fact…I think my file name may be wrong too. XD; I’m really not one of the biggest fans of Miku’s voice, there’s some qualities, I’m not sure how to describe them, that still bug me in some of their earlier songs. ^^; This song has one of those qualities in it, but it’s really not so bad. The music’s pretty fun and, like Anni said, the la-la-las are contagious! @o@;
Lalalalalalalaaaa~ Catchy tune alert!! @@


Artist: Dir en grey
Song: Obscure
5,48MB // 3:59min // 10/10
Requested by: _ciao_
kagechii says: The uncensored version of this song’s video is siiiiick, like in the disgustingly gross way, not quite the cool way, which is why you all should be grateful that we are not posting up my rip from my album DVD. :D Unless, of course, you really do enjoy such ‘loverly’ oddities. ^^; That aside, I love this song! (I love many Diru songs, get used to it. XD) Kyo’s wonderful random noises and singing voice, great guitars and drums, such a creepy cool feel, download away! *babblebabblebabble* It’s on the hard side, but it’s the good kind of hard Dir en grey! *_* (And yes, Dir en grey are considered to be gods in Anni’s and mine eyes. XP)
in_monochrome says: You already know that I'm a total zombie for Dir en grey... *points above* And some people maybe get annoied because of that, but yea... I don't care ;D Obscure is.... *____* The lyrics are so scary and nasty and so typical & unique Kyo that it hurts! Even more love is the very uncut Average Fury version of the PV!! It shocks and disgusts you, if you dislike blood, sex or pure horror and it's definitely not a good start for listening to this band XD So if you never listened to Diru before (what should be a mirical or a crime): Rather download and listen to one of the above songs! Musically Obscure is a heavy, disturbing song. Kyo shows everything is able to do with his voice: siging, screaming, growling, strange & weird noises, his voice goes very high and then deep again. Freakshow is a fitting word I guess. The instrumental atmosphere is creepy (thanks to Dies guitar), gloomy (thanks to Toshiyas bass) and tearing apart (thanks to Kaorus guitar x]). And yes: All noises in this song are 100% by Kyo~ :D
Bloody Baby&Sacrifice!


Artist: Due'le Quartz
Song: Rodeo
4,24MB // 4:40min // 5/10
Requested by: _ciao_
in_monochrome says: I should leave all the of the comment to my dear kagechii XD;
kagechii says: I’m a big fan of Miyavi, but not quite so much of Due’le quartz. ^^; They have some good songs, I’m just not that fond of Sakito’s voice, which is why one of the reasons I like this song is that the first minute and a half is just music. XD *kicked* Maybe I just need to get used to his voice since I generally like the music in the songs. =\ When Sakito starts singing is when I change the track so…that must be it. XD; Rodeo’s not a bad song, I just prefer many others before it. Oh! Also, this song was in Miyavi’s movie Oresama. *pointless comment*
Download the song here~


Artist: The GazettE
Song: $ocial Riot Machine$
4,95 MB // 3:36min // 10/10
Requested by: _ciao_
kagechii says: Eyah, I love this song, it’s so fucking awesome live! 8D I should find myself a DVD audio-ripping program, but in the meantime, the studio recording’s just as great! ^^ The guitar and drums intro just blows me away, then Ruki just starts in with his wonderful growly singing in combination with the background screaming vocals, I love it! X) But I have no clue what the hell he’s singing (and kind of rapping-ish), does anyone? O.o; The only word I can really catch the occasional ‘riot’ and ‘riot star’ so I’m pretty sure that this be Ruki speech…singums…whatever. XD
in_monochrome says: This is soooo kick ass live!! And I could kick ym ass that I wasn't on their concert last year!! T__T I had a slight chance to, but *sighs* I didn't believed my friends that they would go with me XD; This song is so hectic and so much love to scream along and headbang!! \m/ The whole song is more like 4 songs in one. With the constantly changing it gives one a very chaotic feeling.
Download, download, DOWNLOAD!!


Artist: Miyavi
Song: Shouri no V-ROCK!!
8,25MB // 3:36min // 9/10
Requested by: _ciao_
kagechii says: Miyavi! 8D Such a fun heavy song, although I’m not quite sure what the actual song is about, probably the usual whatever Miyavi sings about. XD Lots yelling, laughing, and miscellaneous vocal sounds, and the growly singing interlude-thing at 2:25, squee! X3
in_monochrome says: Heavy and typical Miyavi. His laughing is just too great x) And one can hear very much usage of the basedrum o.O; Oh and I should mention that love the part from 2:25 to 2:45 when his three singing voices mix up together <3
Veeee!!! XD

So... that's our music for this time.


Please leave a comment, if you take something!! Or just tell us how amazing we are! (we love hearing that! XD)

Next time we'll start with our theme weeks! I'm looking forward to it. I hope you too! :D
See you the next time! Have great two weeks!
And happy 10th rotation birthday to fukainoyami!! XD

dir en grey, due le quartz, head phones president, l'arc en ciel, art-school, kirito, the gazette, an cafe

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