Aug 10, 2007 08:50
Ok, I'm going to make sense and not be vague and ghetto.
I'm dating a guy named Jason.
I'm not being hung up on forensics guys who, though good friends, would be shit boyfriends.
I'm hating my job because my crazy ex seems to hate me.
And it only bothers me because its a striking dichotomy between the good guy he is and the asshole he is now.
Its ugly and it upsets me, true story.
Last night, while heading home from hanging out with Fred and Hannah and Jason and strip malling it up (where I saw Huey for the first time in too long, which was nice) I got stuck behind someone going 10 mph.
I honked at them, once, because I was in a freaky good mood and my roadrage wasn't there at all, and this person flipped out and FOLLOWED ME HOME.
Holy fuck. Scariest shit of my life. So, they wouldn't stop following me and I didn't go towards my house, I went the wrong way, and called the cops on their ass. Which was scary as hell. They saw me turn and came back to follow. At one point they trapped me in a culdesac and this fat redneck woman was screaming something at me, but I didn't listen and drove away.
In any case, its nothing to worry over now.
And yesterday was a good day.
But I don't want to go to work today for 8 hours because I'm mystified as to why Wes is like he is and I'd rather just never see him again, as that seems to be the most prudent course of action.
I'd just like to finish my summer assignments
hang out with Jason
and sleep.