i'm sure you'll like thismi_inamorataJune 13 2007, 22:50:03 UTC
CANCER : Home is your hiding place, where you can remain locked inside for several months having your groceries delivered. If you do stick out your head, a sudden breeze can send you scurrying back to your darkened room. However, you don't care because you plan on making it rich from a home-based business driven by computer links and the telephone.
You need no social interaction and have few friends. The ones you do have you treat as helpless children to be mothered and smothered. You are not into sports, since walking to the refrigerator for one of your five-dozen daily snacks tires you. Your dietary habits could kill a Taurus, yet you manage to live to a ripe old age.
You have such a morbid fear that Big Brother is watching you that your shades are always drawn so "they" can't look in. You realize you are paranoid but rationalize that that doesn't mean someone isn't really out to get you. You, on the other hand,constantly spy on everyone you know. You should really try to get a grip on reality while you can still find the handle.
Crabs make good double agents, stalkers, antiques dealers, real estate brokers and shut-ins. You are also natural-born actors and make great caretakers of the sick and demented.
You pride yourself on making things last and are still apt to be driving your first car, exterior carefully preserved with carnauba wax and interior still like new under several layers of blankets. You cling to old romantic partners with the same tenacity.
You are a hypochondriac and so susceptible to suggestion that I strongly advise you never to watch the Operation Channel. If Uncle Joe in Flatfoot Georgia, has gallstones, you crawl around on the floor for a week in agony. Your home library is full of medical textbooks, holistic medicine journals, and various guides to a healthier lifestyle. You keep a copy of Gray's Anatomy on your nightstand, right next to the tray of antacids, tranquilizers, sleeping pills and liniments. You know the hotline number of every quack doctor, medicine man, and psychic healer within a hundred miles.
You are usually clean, but chronically rumpled as you keep all your clothes in a pile on the closet floor because you are too cheap to use a professional laundry and too afraid to use the iron.
Your moods change so fast that, even if you manage to work up enough energy to invite your sweetheart over for dinner, by the time you've finished lighting the candles and opening the wine, you've lost interest.
Like Scorpio and Taurus you are a collector. The difference is that Taurus collects possessions, Scorpio collects people and you collect token memories. Like the wad of gum you stepped in on your first date.
You are also tenacious, determined and stubbornly cling to what you know in your heart is right, no matter how ferociously others try to dissuade you. Practice meditating to calm your inner fears and control your urge to hover over every action of your family and friends, and you'll succeed on every level.
Re: i'm sure you'll like thisfuk_authorityJune 19 2007, 00:13:50 UTC
Thats funny ass shit. Espcially the "Your moods change so fast that, even if you manage to work up enough energy to invite your sweetheart over for dinner, by the time you've finished lighting the candles and opening the wine, you've lost interest" part. Thanks!
: Home is your hiding place, where you can remain locked inside for several months having your groceries delivered. If you do stick out your head, a sudden breeze can send you scurrying back to your darkened room. However, you don't care because you plan on making it rich from a home-based business driven by computer links and the telephone.
You need no social interaction and have few friends. The ones you do have you treat as helpless children to be mothered and smothered. You are not into sports, since walking to the refrigerator for one of your five-dozen daily snacks tires you. Your dietary habits could kill a Taurus, yet you manage to live to a ripe old age.
You have such a morbid fear that Big Brother is watching you that your shades are always drawn so "they" can't look in. You realize you are paranoid but rationalize that that doesn't mean someone isn't really out to get you. You, on the other hand,constantly spy on everyone you know. You should really try to get a grip on reality while you can still find the handle.
Crabs make good double agents, stalkers, antiques dealers, real estate brokers and shut-ins. You are also natural-born actors and make great caretakers of the sick and demented.
You pride yourself on making things last and are still apt to be driving your first car, exterior carefully preserved with carnauba wax and interior still like new under several layers of blankets. You cling to old romantic partners with the same tenacity.
You are a hypochondriac and so susceptible to suggestion that I strongly advise you never to watch the Operation Channel. If Uncle Joe in Flatfoot Georgia, has gallstones, you crawl around on the floor for a week in agony. Your home library is full of medical textbooks, holistic medicine journals, and various guides to a healthier lifestyle. You keep a copy of Gray's Anatomy on your nightstand, right next to the tray of antacids, tranquilizers, sleeping pills and liniments. You know the hotline number of every quack doctor, medicine man, and psychic healer within a hundred miles.
You are usually clean, but chronically rumpled as you keep all your clothes in a pile on the closet floor because you are too cheap to use a professional laundry and too afraid to use the iron.
Your moods change so fast that, even if you manage to work up enough energy to invite your sweetheart over for dinner, by the time you've finished lighting the candles and opening the wine, you've lost interest.
Like Scorpio and Taurus you are a collector. The difference is that Taurus collects possessions, Scorpio collects people and you collect token memories. Like the wad of gum you stepped in on your first date.
You are also tenacious, determined and stubbornly cling to what you know in your heart is right, no matter how ferociously others try to dissuade you. Practice meditating to calm your inner fears and control your urge to hover over every action of your family and friends, and you'll succeed on every level.
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