Title: Sketches
Fandom: Heroes
Rating: PG
Summary: Isaac faces Destiny.
Spoilers: Up to episode 1x20
Isaac was surrounded by reminders of his own death. His own gruesome death. For days, he'd been unable to paint anything else but his body covered with blood and his skull sliced open. He was afraid. Terrified. Though not because it was going to happen-seeing the future once the sketches of the latest 9th Wonders were done had been bad enough; he didn't want to have to live it-but because his life had been completely worthless.
He couldn't think of any real good he'd done in his time; despite having had many chances to make a difference, every time he'd blown it out of his own selfishness.
And here he was now, facing the end and he had nothing but regret.
Isaac then thought of the people he'd met recently, specially Peter Petrelli and Hiro Nakamura. They were working so hard to stop the bomb, even when they were doomed to fail. The comic book on the drawing table was proof of it; five years into the future Peter lived with the remorse of being the one who destroyed the city, and Hiro was going to be killed by Mohinder, and everything was so terrible...
He wished he could do something to help, but it was way out of his league; all he was good at was drawing the future accurately.
So accurately...
Isaac couldn't help but smile as he suddenly remembered the persistent phone calls he'd gotten from Hiro not-so-long ago, because he believed and he wanted to know what to do next, because he'd reached the end of the issue he'd been following.
Isaac frowned; Hiro had followed his 9th Wonders issue religiously because he believed in it.
Hiro believed every word, every single panel, and had done exactly what they said. What Isaac had drawn and written down.
Then, it dawned on him.
That was it. That was the solution.
Isaac spun around and went to read again his sketches. He found soon what he was looking for: when the president gave Mohinder the order to kill Hiro, the professor had already seen the comic and he too trusted Isaac's powers.
Breathing deeply, Isaac ripped the page where Mohinder killed Hiro and replaced it by one where Mohinder killed the Haitian instead.
Mohinder believed in Isaac; therefore, instead of doing what he was supposed to do, he would do what Isaac was asking him to do.
Isaac sat down and dared to defy his visions. And he knew he finally was a real hero.