Links y fics <3

Apr 29, 2010 00:58

* ...un tipo que se apellida Condon va a adaptar el libreto de Breaking Dawn o.o Spot the irony. It's just one letter away.

* Me identifiqué tanto. |'D

* Einstein, el caballo más pequeño del mundo.

* Sí voy a terminar los prompts del post pasado. Es que me alcanzó la deadline de story_lottery y todavía me faltan dos fics y un drabble |'DDD /winnar


Title: The Importance of Water Temperature
Fandom: The Dresden Files (books)
Characters/Pairings: Harry+Thomas
Rating: PG
Length: 1221 words.
Summary: The first time Thomas took a bath in Harry's apartment, he thought he was going to die. He knew all wizards were technologically impaired, but this was just too much.
Spoilers: Up to Blood Rites.
Author's Note: Written for the 'home sweet home' prompt of the story_lottery challenge @ LJ.


Title: Better Than A Dream
Fandom: Princess Tutu
Characters/Pairings: Rue/Mytho. Fakir is mentioned.
Rating: PG
Length: 1005 words.
Summary: It was Rue's first day at the Kinkan Ballet Academy, and she reflects upon her relationship with Mytho as it was at that point.
Spoilers: None.
Author's Note: Written for the 'a park bench' prompt of the story_lottery challenge @ LJ.


Title: In A Far Away Land
Fandom: Saiunkoku Monogatari / Disney's Aladdin
Characters/Pairings: Ryuuki, Shuurei, Ryuuren, the Genie
Rating: G
Length: 1154 words.
Summary: Shuurei tells Ryuuki about something that happened to Ryuuren in one of his trips.
Spoilers: None.
Author's Note: Written for the 'a souk' prompt of the story_lottery challenge @ LJ.

fanfic, challenge: story_lottery, books: dresden files, anime: saiunkoku monogatari, anime: princess tutu, movie: disney's aladdin, comic, debo poner un tag para twilight

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