Links, memes, and fanfics! Oh, dear!

Aug 13, 2007 00:46

* House Tetris - Just watch it; it's amazing.
* 59 Of The Coolest Toilet Signs Around The World
* Star Wars The Musical. Yeah, I know.
* If your dad is a chemistry professor, asking "why" can be dangerous.

I don't remember where I found this one.

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the next 4-7 sentences on your LJ along with these instructions.
5. Don't you dare dig for that "cool" or "intellectual" book in your closet! I know you were thinking about it! Just pick up whatever is closest (unless it's too troublesome to reach and is really heavy. Then go back to step 1).

La postal siguiente vino de Kalusenburg, Transilvania, y en ella Ward contaba el viaje que había emprendido por aquellos días. Iba con rumbo a las montañas del este de Rakus, donde tenía sus propiedades un tal barón Ferenczy. Su correspondencia debía ser enviada a esa ciudad, a nombre de aquel aristócrata. Una semana más tarde llegó una postal desde Rakus donde se narraba que el carruaje de su anfitrión había ido a buscarlo y que se dirigía a las montañas. Estas fueron las únicas nuevas que durante largos meses los Ward recibieron de su hijo. Este no respondió a sus puntuales cartas hasta mayo, cuando escribió para rehusarse a la propuesta de sus padres de encontrarse con él en Londres, París o Roma durante el verano, mientras paseaba por Europa.

That's from a translation (duh?) of The Case of Charles Dexter Ward, by Lovecraft, which is in a compilation of some of his work.

And everyone is doing this one:

Wow. Monothematic much? Oo


  • Heroes: Status Quo Ante. [Het. PG-13] After the events at the end of the first season, Mr. Bennet asks Niki for a favor. Spoilers for the whole first season. Niki/D.L. - Niki/Mr. Bennet
  • The Dresden Files (TV): The Chase. [Gen. G] Harry and Morgan are forced by the circumstances to work together. No spoilers.
  • Crossovers:
    * Harry Potter/Artemis Fowl: A Holiday. [Gen. PG] Artemis wants to see how Hogwarts is like. Spoilers for AF: just the first book; for HP: up to the third book.
    * Harry Potter/Good Omens: The Erumpent Horn. [Gen(ish). PG] Where the horn came from and why. Spoilers for Deathly Hallows. Crowley/Aziraphale. Probably.
    * Doctor Who/Lilo&Stitch: When in Rome.... [Captain Jack is here, so... that. PG] When the TARDIS lands on Hawaii, the first thing the crew sees is Gantu in hunting mode.

    And now, I run away.
  • tv: heroes, tv: doctor who, fanfic, movie: lilo & stitch, dresden files, books: harry potter, books: artemis fowl, movie: star wars, meme, tv: dresden files, humor

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