The Haunting

Jun 25, 2007 16:12

* El perro está bajo régimen de analgésicos y antibióticos hasta nuevo aviso que estén los resultados de los análisis.
* 150 refranes - Interesante, pero ¿día lento de noticias o aprovechando el espacio virtual? *inserte comentario cínico aquí*
* Shiny photos: if fire was water.
* Wow. Just wow. o.o
* Best Haunted House Evah! XD

image Click to view

I want to post this at Jurisimprudence, but I don't know, since IMDB wank is forbidden frowned upon in f_w. XD Even I don't know why I keep coming back. Must be the TWS.

The Law of Hollywood Racism of's Forum:
* If it has a cast that's all white, it's racist. Not exceptions.
* If it has a cast with at least one black member, it's racist. Not exceptions.
* If it has a cast that's all black, it's racist. No exceptions.

Inspired by, well, everything, but it finally hit bottom (with me) with some of the comments on Blood Diamond. I am not linking because there are too many threads on the matter. *sighs*

lolinternet, wtf, peliculas, mascotas

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