Lack of logic...

Jun 05, 2010 03:10

... I'd make a more intelligent post, but the gods are conspiring against me... Seems I found a shortcut for some sort of auto-delete scheme that I wish I'd known previously, would have saved me a lot of trouble in the past...

Inspiration, what the heck is it? Is it your job? Your love of marshmellows? Is it some deeply hidden art that burns deep within your soul? I'd sincerely consider the latter, if only because it was placed within the boundaries of some rather retarded side options, no offense to retarded peoples... I formulate my writings in a one sided manner, much like the "objective" news sources one might prefer to listen to, or read, or wipe one's butt with, whatever the case may be... Whatever, they are full of crap, especially literally if you wiped your butt with the newspaper...

It seems to me that too much is taken for granted, much that they will soon take away... Will you ever see them? Likely, the answer is no... You might be wondering who "they" are... While there are those who will volunteer many theories, I cannot offer you much... Though I can say "they" are not looking out for your best interests... And who "they" are has been, for quite some time, a matter of dispute...

All I can say is what I can judge by their "apparent" (meaning, I'm making a lot of assumptions here, it's stupidspeak, and I am fluent) past actions... They are power mongers... One must either accept this, or retreat into their fantasy fairy land of tea-parties and magical talking mushrooms, and yes, I meant that part about tea parties in the current sense... These monsters have existed for quite some time, and they sense an awakening that could possibly put them to the sword... The only option, in their minds, is to destroy everything else, so that they might survive... These are desperate times... To deny such is to lose sight of everything that has ever happened, but hey, it suits you, as a general human being, to keep on going with your blinders on, only to wander into the slaughter... I'm not advocating any sort of violence, I am advocating awareness, for it is a lack of awareness that ultimately leads to violence, and this is why they cultivate such narrow viewpoints in the majority of people...

To put it simply, they view you as cattle, and in a way, you play the part perfectly... Pissed off? Want to prove me wrong? I sure hope so, because otherwise we're finished... These guys are grade "A" Dean Koontz style villains, I'd say Stephen King, but he usually sides more with the paranormal, rather than something inherently human, though slightly twisted, which is what our current villains are... Unless you start looking at everything through something other than rose colored glasses, all of us are doomed... This is not some 60's love fest, this is real life, there is no universal love, and monsters aspire to feast on your toes, and more than that later... To delude yourself into believing in the current power structure is folly beyond redemption, I can only hope you're ready when we're sitting somewhere deep within the bowels of hell, and I spend the rest of eternity telling you I told you so, because I am SO going to do that, and there's not a dang thing you can do about that.

So really people, stop ASSUMING they're all on your side, a little paranoia is healthy, stop hating on those who point out a certain consistency in the behavior of the power structure, because these are the people who ARE actually worried about you... Start really contemplating the true nature of evil, and the best place to find it, at first, is within the self... There is something really sick happening right now, something so wrong... And yet, it's invisible... Why? I don't know, maybe it's unpleasant, doesn't fit in with your privileged lifestyle, maybe it makes you feel icky inside... Whatever, this is happening NOW, regardless of lifestyle, take the blinders off and confront the sickness, it's only so aggressive because now it can be beaten, it's in its final bit of thrashing... Now is the time to slay the dragon... If you don't, well, it'll just be like the last few times it has happened... But I think we really have no excuse now... I think it proves something rather deep about humanity if they achieve victory here, and that cannot be allowed to be proven. The tools at our disposal are more powerful than they have ever been before, and if this slips through our fingers, these tools will never be again.

Well, hope you've enjoyed my rant... Lord knows I enjoyed typing it... If not, tell me why, so that I might smite you with my lack of logic.
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