Happy birthday!

Feb 27, 2008 18:46

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, micaela_a!

Happy, happy birthday and I hope you will be able to drink coffee again! Here's a little, silly coffeefic for you. XP

Fandom: Saiyuki
Word count: 430
Warning: unbetaed, because I ran out of time. If anyone would be willing, you would make my day. I love you ditch_gospel
Title: Ethereal
note: I can't believe I checked the whole manga to see aho and when drinks coffee.


Goku hadn’t intended to drink it, not really. He didn’t have the habit of stealing Sanzo’s food; the monk ate too little as it was. The perverted kappa though was practically asking for it, grabbing food from wherever he pleased. But he needed to drink something and the cup was just there and before he knew it, he had gulped down half of it. And then he noticed two things. One, it was actually Sanzo's cup he was drinking from and two, it was the most singularly foul thing he had ever tasted. Sure, he had drunk coffee before. It was sweet and nice with lots of cream and sugar. This thing here actually made him spit it out.

“What the hell are you doing?”

“How can you drink such a thing? Ew! You can have it back!”

“Like I would drink something that has your spit in it!”

“Little kids should not drink coffee, that's not good for them.”

“Oh, shut up!”

“Here, add some sugar.”

“If you don't want it, don't drink it!”

It took a new order of coffee, lots of shouting and a few well-aimed swats with the paper fan to restore some semblance of order.

Goku kept staring at the half-finished cup, dragging his finger round the edge. There had to be something he didn't get here. Why would Sanzo want to drink something so utterly disgusting? The guy usually didn't like strong tastes; he ate his ramen with salt and mayonnaise for gods sake!

“...key! Oi, monkey! Your brain shut down or somethin'?"

Goku finally raised his eyes from the cup.

“Gojyo, you drink coffee, right?”

The redhead gave him a funny look. “Of course I drink coffee.” After a small pause he continued, “You know, how you drink your coffee tells a lot about you. Mine is always hot, sweet and potent.”

Damn kappa, how could he make anything sound so dirty. Goku was trying to think here!

He took a spoonful of the dark liquid while Sanzo and Hakkai were discussing the possible routes to the next town and Gojyo used the chance to finish the spring rolls, damn him. Carefully Goku put the spoon in his mouth. Yup, still disgusting. He still drank it little by little in hopes of solving the mystery.

It wasn't until later, when they were on the road and he had just managed to avoid getting shot by his furious keeper, that Goku realised that Sanzo's coffee was so much like the man himself - an acquired taste - bitter, unique and entirely out of this world.

giftfic, fanfic, saiyuki

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