Title: And I'm Knee Deep In It
Rating/Warnings: T
Pairings: Mostly gen, with a bit of everything (Sheldon/Penny, Penny/Raj, and Sheldon/Amy).
Disclaimer: It's a rental.
Summary: An alternate take on the aftermath of the fourth season finale.
A/N: Super late
help_japan fill for the generous and far too patient
__hibiscus. She's mentioned that she likes a hint of Raj/
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But anyway, everybody was sooo in character and perfect and you got all their voices just right. Loved Sheldon on UrbanDictionary (very typical response, lol), and Raj's "message" to Penny. And Leonard bursting his little head off and telling Priya he wants to move to India is so spot on!. I usually read shippy fics for these two, but this hit all the right notes and left a sweet taste after.
And thank you for referencing the elephant joke! That might've been my favorite line of Penny's, too funny. And her E=mc2 joke? I'm gonna use that one too. Thank you so much for posting this, made my night!
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