
May 09, 2008 15:34

okei...i guess i'll introduce myself since this is my first post in LJ ^^

-konnichiwa...Fuji-chan here (call me Fuji, Fuji-chan, or whatever name you'd like)

-for starters...i'm an alien...and i am from the planet Saturn (to be honest, i'm really human and i was born here on earth)

-i formerly liked anime...but i do wish i still like anime up to now

-i formerly love Prince of if you need someone to talk to about this anime don't hesitate to ask me ^^

- Hey! Say! JUMP fangirl here

- Johnny's Jimusho fangirl here as well

- i know there are many people who like Chinen Yuuri as much as i, i'm glad to share him with everyone here at LJ

- if i can say, i like yaoi...correction, i love, i'm OBSSESSED with it :P

- sometimes i write fics...but it's very ugly and you don't want o bore to death with that (but still, please read it  xD)

- i'm a fan of yamajima pair...take it or leave it

- i am a member of many forums [mostly HSJ forums] but i only post at some :P

- i HATE Hello!Project...why? it's because of them and stupid rumours of them going out with JE they think they ar really cute when NOT! *darn it!* and if you like H!P and went to this blog..sorry for this >:(

- i'm just a newbie at please help me :)

- if you want to know where i live, PM me :)

- here's my multiply and know more about me:

introduction, fujichan, me

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