I'm a girl so needless to say is that I love to shop! That was not meant to be a general statement because not all girls do. I know it is hard to believe but there are some out there! Last night when I logged in to Battle of Immortals, I found that they had given all Closed Beta (CB) accounts 5,000 ZEN, the in-game money in all PWI games. I don't know what it translates to in real life money but 5,000 ZEN is alot! So, ugm, guess what was the first thing I went to look for? If you know me, you would know the answer: character costumes! Most people would probably look for something functional for the game but not me!
My "warrior" is a Heretic. I removed my Heretic's shield because it is gigantic. I only had time to get one but this was 500 ZEN.
Costume #1 Goddess Athena
I really like the back and I got the Heaven Fragrance Fan from the boss drop in the Dragon Island event. Since I had the fan, I forgoed the Angel Wings for now but it is in the back of my mind...
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Winged One