Is tibhe fuil ná uisce. BLOOD WILL WITHSTAND THE ROCKS.
1. The inner self of an individual; the soul.
2. In Jungian psychology:
a. The unconscious or true inner self of an individual, as opposed to the persona, or outer aspect of the personality.
b. The feminine inner personality, as present in the unconscious of the male. It is in contrast to the animus, which represents masculine characteristics.
Anima goes through
four stages of development: Eve, Helen, Mary, and Sophia. But enough of that...
Name/Aliases: Anima, "Anima of the Thorn", "Anima the Black"
Race: Half demon, half human "giant", Nephilim
Age: Thirteen
Height: Despite being thirteen, Anima is 5'8". Yes, she's a giant.
Weight: 118 lbs.
Medical Info: Anima belongs to a species known as "Nephilim", making her a half-demon. She is all around healthy, despite having the sickly appearance, dark veins occasionally surfacing on her face, being covered in bloody bandages head to toes, and dark skin on her fingers. Her metabolism is faster than a normal human's, which means she has to eat more than most.
Eyes: Red
Hair: White
Physical Traits: Anima is a very tall, lanky, and pale looking girl. She has wide red eyes that don't seem to blink much, disheveled white hair that typically falls in her face sometimes. Because of her height, she's often mistaken for being about three to four years older. Anima has a tattered black
léine and tattered boots. Along with the fact Anima is generally covered in bloody bandages head to toe, as well as her black claw-like fingers, no, she doesn't look all that healthy and looks very sickly. But white hair and pale skin are common among her race.
Fighting: Despite her age and stature, Anima has appeared to have gotten in scuffles quite a bit. The girl has roamed the highlands striking down not only her own kind, but virtually anyone in her way and seemingly not having a shred of remorse. Though, unlike most nephilim, who have no control in their abilities, Anima seems to have almost complete control of her abilities. It makes it easier to tap in her demonic powers, which she does frequently. She is not a hulk by any means, but what she lacks in strength she excels in speed. You really don't want to cross Anima unless you are a supernatural being or have supernatural powers yourself.
Notes for the Psychics: Anima is a half-demon, the offspring of one of the leaders of the Grigori, Azazel. She is a girl who has no qualms with killing anyone in her way or severely wounding them. Despite her quiet and stoic nature, there is a whirlwind of emotions to Anima. She is naturally angry and crushed at the death of her mother and has swore revenge on her mother's death. Anima has precognitive abilities as well as an amazing grasp on weapons.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: No, thanks.
Hugging/kissing/other non-violent physical contact: You're likely to get a knife to the throat if you do.
Maim/Murder/Death: Maim? Sure, let me know. Death? Depends.
Cooking: She can kill animals, skin then and cook them from there.
Threadhopping: It's cool, unless it's restricted (locked or private).
Fourthwalling: N/A
It's said the demon Azazel has wanted a male offspring and has tried to father one by multiple women, to no avail. He has never taken a woman by consent and has fathered nothing but women. And not much is known about her mother, Beatha, who possibly could have been a noble. During the times when half-demons were making trouble in Connacht, Beatha went into seclusion and gave birth to Anima. While they were close to a small town, Beatha had raised her daughter and loved her, despite the circumstances surrounding her conception. Anima was purposefully raised close to her mother, to be dependent on her, so that Beatha could keep her powers under control, as well as her loneliness from being in seclusion. By the time Anima was thirteen, her demonic abilities slowly emerged by developing sores and welts on her body and dark skin forming. Her mother had her bandaged head to toe.
Anima's precognitive abilities began to manifest: She could see into the future, just like any child of Azazel, said to have this ability. Upon predicting minor things, a neighboring village picked up word of this and many tried to have fortunes and their future read by Anima. When they tried, Beatha refused. Unfortunately, when the uprising came by the hands of other Nephilim and a noble by the name of Ciaran had heard word of a child, much like a woman he knew, not only adorned in bloody bandages but who could see into the future, he sent out others to acquire Anima.
When the half-demons came for their own, Beatha refused. In turn, because of what they were ordered to do, the group burned down the neighboring village, slaughtered and ate some, and Anima was left to watch her mother bleeding to death after her throat was slit. The half-demons who killed everyone in the small village had disobeyed the noble's golden rule of "bring no harm to innocents: women and children". In grief, Anima's demonic abilities bubbled over and she turned around and killed some of those who responsible for the death of her mother, save a few. Taking up blades that were her mother's, Anima asked them why they had come to get her.
She was told since the noble had lost an Ovate, that he wanted her as a replacement to see into the future and help him take control of Connacht. Another half-demon by the name of Regina, who was said to have come from Cymru and was the closest one to the noble. Little does Anima know, Regina is also an offspring of the demon Azazel, making her an older half-sister. With nothing left, Anima decided to set out on a gruesome spree of killing both human and hybrid in her path, determined to kill those all responsible for the death of her mother. The ones who escaped, the Ovate, and the noble in revenge. By doing this, Anima rejected any disdain, hatred, and contempt she had for her demonic heritage; she gave herself to demonic power, nearly becoming a vessel to demons and demonic energy alike. Because of this, unlike Most nephilim who exhaust themselves and turn to eat humanity, Anima does not.
Anima is young, but she has built up a reputation in a short time in a matter of months. The other nephilim who want equality by means of pure enslavement and destruction of humans, Anima so far, seems to be the only one who has openly challenged the hybrid noble. Because so many have no control and are creatures of chaos, said not to have control of a fallen angel's ability, Anima has left the the antagonizers of the civil war in a bit of a scramble.
All nephilim, regardless if they are born of cherub, power, or archangel, have the following abilities that make them fearsome in this time. They excel in healing, able to go long periods of time without sustenance (sleep, water, and food), strength, speed, adaptation to extreme temperatures, sixth senses, stamina, and special skills that retain to their demonic fathers. But there are two downsides to this:
- A nephilim may have all of these abnormal abilities that put them above a human, but they also have fast metabolisms. In the Book of Enoch and the bible, it says there were giants that roamed the earth eating everything, and then turning to humans. Nephilim, of course, do this; if they exhaust their powers, they must eat. If they don't find enough to eat, they succumb to their demonic sides and eventually turn to eat people, even each other.
- Because of their demonic blood, a nephilim is vulnerable to white, holy, and sacred magic. They cannot set foot on what is deemed "holy ground", go near churches, mosques, temples... you get the idea. Crossing these things burn them, literally.
Anima is the daughter of Azazel, the demon who taught mankind weaponry, the art of war, and cosmetics. Unique to his children, his daughters are gifted to precognitive abilities. In layman's terms, they can see into the future and forsee events that are coming; this includes Anima. Like her older sister, Regina, she is gifted in seeing into the future, which makes her sought out by many, just as her older sister.
All children of Azazel have what is been nicknamed "the thorn curse"; Anima, like her half-siblings, is able to
manifest hardened flesh into barbs, like blades. It is a painful, yet powerful ability that leaves them to be untouched. It's also why the children of Azazel wear bandages that constantly bleed, no matter what they do and giving them what looks like to be burnt black skin underneath these bandages. Unique to Anima, since she is the child of the demon who taught men how to use weapons, she has the talent to pick up a weapon and master it shortly, making her formable with her
short swords, in which she uses two at once.
In the same way Kayako of JuOn can appear, Anima can as well. Her hair is long and seems to be apart of her "thorn curse", giving her the ability to become corporeal, disappearing and reappearing. She could be the example of what the children of Azazel can really do if they have control. Coupled with her speed, her ability to teleport in black mist makes Anima.
As mentioned above, Anima stands out from her kind because she has almost absolute control over her demonic powers. Where others reject their demonic heritage because they've been scorned by demons, sidhe, and humans like, Anima does not. This is a huge note with Anima, since she doesn't reject her demonic heritage, she has nearly mastered her demonic powers. The term for this is "transcend" -- Anima has "transcended". Aside from the insane metabolism of a half-demon, along with the scorn, neglect, and self-loathing many of these beings have gone through, they cannot grasp their abilities. Anima so happens to be one of the rare few who doesn't; she challenges the status quo and the idea someone born of human blood shouldn't have demonic powers.
However, this doesn't mean Anima is brute in force. Where Anima lacks in strength, she makes up for in speed. She is faster than most and with her ability to teleport as well as holding on her demonic powers? She's exceptionally hard to put down by others who are deemed normal in demonic powers. Anima is not all powerful, simply because she is young and isn't a brute. While she is exceptionally talented, even downright frightening, coming across an opponent who can predict her movements and who is stronger than her, then Anima will have more a difficult fight.
In part with her strength, Anima can hold her demonic powers longer than the others. And it cannot be stressed more than Anima's a 13 year old girl; she may seem stoic but her fighting style expresses a girl who is passionate and violent, yet impulsive, desperate, brutal, and self-destructive. She builds herself up on the fact she holds more control and composure unlike a lot of nephilim, but she is still young, idealistic, and full of herself at times.
The trademark burn to holy and white? Anima is more vulnerable to it. Should she cross holy and white, it leaves her immobile for a while, all because she embraces her demonic heritage. She has not succumbed to her all-devouring and flesh-eating heritage quiet yet on the other hand, but she will still eat you out of a house and home. Anima has a large appetite for regular food and is still a bottomless pit, one way or the other. Eating is the only thing that makes Anima very happy.
Anima is a quiet, soft-spoken girl who maintains an unwavering quiet voice. She hardly raises it, speaks very formal, in the context she hardly uses contractions, and bluntly. She is known to be direct to the point, without stigma, and without any sort of remorse. But most importantly, central to Anima's character is that she's a child, a girl on the cusp of being preteen, in her first years of being a teenager. Her upbringing with her mother, who kept her close, hidden, and being overbearing, Anima seems to have a very limited understanding for the world around her. She is socially awkward, finding it hard to socialize with others, saying things that could either weird out or hurt another's feelings without realizing it.
Anima is a very idealistic girl and naive, yet keeps a very monotone and stoic nature. She hardly changes her facial expression, shows emotions, and rarely is seen upset. She'll fall under her your classic "creepy stoic", because that's what she is. She wavers between her childish and even innocent personality to something that can be downright terrifying. The thing is, with her sheltered nature and with the death of her mother? Anima is truly without remorse. When she says she will strike down anyone who gets in her way, the girl sadly means it. She may come off innocent and stoic, but the girl has unbridled rage and sorrow underneath her wide eyes.
Being that she had no one else but her mother, Anima's world has been turned upside down. A once quiet and shy girl, Anima isn't anymore... at least not completely. She has vowed revenge on the death of her mother, to kill anyone associated with her mother's death and a noble. This means anyone in the surrounding area and any innocent passerbyers who cross her path. Anima simply doesn't care and shows no remorse to killing an innocent person if they stop her on her quest. While she is a child, her lack of remorse and the concept of throwing herself to her demonic abilities? Anima is quite simply one you do not want to tangle with.
Her human side, she believes, is her "weaker" self. She explains to anyone who wonders how a member of an unstable race can control themselves? Anima will tell you she doesn't reject the dark nature of a demon and believes acting like a demon is the solution to her problems. It leaves her open to be corrupted to the right person or force who uses this girl fueled by a loss for personal gains. She is corrupted and there can never be a stronger emphasis on this. She hates being seen as young, helpless, and a child, partially why Anima kills anyone in her path because she doesn't want to be seen as just that. People are roadblocks and a nuisance, Anima will kill nondiscriminatory. She isn't held at the notion the demons are evil or humans are a waste of space, not like the others. Anima sees no difference between the two.
But she is very young; she is a very young child who is filled with an illusion that throwing herself to dark gains is the solution to her problem. She's never properly mourn the loss of her mother and has shut down emotionally and detached herself at the thought and mention of her. The reality of it is, should Anima accomplish what she does, she won't even know what to do with herself; it fills a very hollow void in her heart where her almost symbiotic relationship with her mother was. Anima's mother raised her loved and cared for, but she stifled this girl, making her dependent, which, in turn, has made Anima dependent on her memory.
Kindness throws her off; Anima believes no one will offer it out of the depths of their own genuine heart. To her, there's strings attached and more importantly, growing close to someone makes her feel guilty that she's betraying her mother. She isn't fond of physical contact, yet will leap and latch on at the idea of a blood relative out there. Unlike her older half-sister, Anima will be happy to come across blood relation, demon and not. She is likely redeemable, but it will take coaxing out of a girl who has strong survival instincts.