I’m not a big drinker but I’ve learned that tipping well for the first drink often gets you better service the rest of the night. If the bar is crowded or will be crowded later in the night it is especially worth leaving a few extra bucks for those hard-working bartenders. Imagine this:
An hour into your bar-perience and you just started chatting up a nice girl. You think you’re taking stealthy glances at her cleavage but she knows you’re looking. She lets you buy her a drink. The bartender needs to decide who to serve first: The loud waving jerkoff who got 3 mixed drinks and left behind the 0.50 from his
yuppie food stamp or the politely smiling dude who dropped you $5 for his pbr. The jerkoff continues waving, and the dude hands the Cosmo to the cute girl.
Geek parties continue to amuse
As time goes on I see more parallels between indie rockers and web geeks. During Macworld I attended the
Pownce launch party at
Madrone. Like at any good indie concert, nobody was dancing even though the dj was playing bounce-encouraging music. There were a few weird transitions but he wasn’t terrible. He played Artsy by
Living Legends. Amusing lyrics include:
You ain’t artsier than me cause you only read books, don’t watch TV
You ain’t artsier than me cause you shop at Whole Foods in open toed shoes
A terrible parody is begging to be written:
You ain’t geekier than me cuz you live in San Francisco, ride a fixie
You ain’t geekier than me cuz you run a web two point ohhh and got a macbook pro
My lyrical genius is mind blowing.
Never use this pickup line
As I was preparing to leave the party a man approached me and asked “So who are you with?” At a show his next statement would have been “I’m with the band. Wanna back stage tour?” but looking around all I saw were shadows wearing
threadless tees banging away on their iphones instead of shadows in band tees looking bored and playing with their hair.
“I’m with… the party”
“No, I mean what company?”
Which leads me to parody a classic indie rock joke:
“My web startup is so stealth even I haven’t heard of it”
Unfortunately, I’m not that witty so I just told him I type really fast.
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