(no subject)

Mar 28, 2011 00:01

Player Information

Player Name: Feo
Contact: This journal or aim-nocookiespanic
Timezone: GMT

Character Information

Character's Name: Fenris
Character Journal: fugitive_wolf
Fandom: Dragon Age 2
Point Taken from Canon: At the end of the game, specifically from a playthrough with a Female Mage Hawke who completes a romance with him and sides with the mages.

Appearance: Picture
The elves of Thedas are typically shorter and slender than their human counterparts with pointed ears being their most notable feature, and in this respect, Fenris is no different. Standing a little taller than the typical human female, Fenris has an incredibly slender, willowy build, though it is in no way feminine; his build hides impressive strength which allows him to wield a two-handed blade and execute some attacks holding the sword with only one hand. The one thing that marks him as different from his kin, is the pale white tendrils marked on his skin; lyrium tattoos that were burned into his flesh via an excruciatingly painful ritual, against his will by his former master. These tattoos give off an eerie blue lyrium glow when he uses the abilities they have gifted him with. These tattoos reach from his feet, right up his neck, ending on his chin.

Fenris's hair is white, his bangs pushed mostly to the right of his face, covering his eye only slightly. It is likely that his hair became this colour after receiving his tattoos, as his eyebrows and stubble are both black. His eyes are a deep, moss green and are often narrowed in a scowl, or darting around, always watching for a sign of his master's lackeys or hirelings.

Fenris's armour consists of slim fitting slacks which hook under the arches of his feet and a black tunic made most likely of cotton . A deep grey chest-plate of steel and leather protects his sternum, attaching to feather-like pauldrons which stretch down in a thin strip along the top of his arms, connecting to gauntlets which cover his entire lower arms and bring his knuckles and fingers to rather sharp points - needless to say, a punch from him would hurt quite a lot. His palms are not covered and so the gauntlets show the white lyrium tattoos which reach across his palm, one for each finger. He has a belt resting on his hips, holding four pouches and a small Amell family crest, and finally a small red scarf is tied around his right gauntlet at the wrist. Fenris does not wear shoes.

Abilities: The lyrium tattoos on his body allow him to phase through solid objects. The extent of this power is not made entirely clear, though as he uses it mostly as a surprise weapon, to phase through people and then solidifying (causing a painful death); it can be assumed that he can phase through anything less dense than a person as well. It is suggested that no matter what he wears, the glow of the tattoos can be seen through it.

The tattoos also help him during battle; to blend in, making him more difficult to track and therefore target; to release a burst of spiritual energy and also to negate hostile magic attacks. (Tevinter Fugitive)

Even without these, Fenris is skilled on the battlefield. He is able to maintain a calm façade, while building up his resentment, his attacks growing more powerful and faster. He is able to wield rather large weapons, his favoured being a large two handed sword Lethendralis, which he is definitely skilled with. He is able to carry out a number of skills drawing on his stamina, but also strike multiple enemies with one swing of his weapon. (Two Handed talents)

Weaknesses: (This may be a little repetitive from his personality.)
Fenris's biggest weakness is probably his temper. He is quick to anger when discussing certain subjects (mages and slaves in particular), and when he gets angry, he begins to see red. It is likely chance that he often manages to snap out of it briefly enough to walk away and collect himself. During these bouts of anger, he has almost attacked his friends and has certainly said things that would upset and anger them.

Mages don't only make him angry - he has a hate of them that he can very rarely look past. Because of this, he will keep a close eye on anyone who uses magic, whether from within the Circle or out with, and it will take a lot of deeds of the right kind to make him even consider getting close to them and beginning to trust them. And this isn't an easy job, because anything a mage does that he doesn't agree with will only help to nurture his hate and make it even more difficult to gain his trust.

Generally, even with those who aren't mages, Fenris is a terrible socialiser, though he is learning. It has been around eight years since he managed to escape his former master and in those years he has had to learn how to deal with others as equals.

A crucial weakness of Fenris's is that he can overestimate his abilities. Not so much his fighting strength and knowing when to give up and run away (though this probably still occurs from time to time), but more that he believes he is beyond the influence of creatures such as demons. Despite discovering this weakness following a trip into the Fade, Fenris is likely to still be able to be influenced by the suggestions of demons, even if just a little. This is because he has strong emotions (the most notable being his hate and his desire to be stronger - not to destroy those from his past, but to help him forget it, and to help him protect what is important to him) on which demons feed and through which they exhibit their control.

One of these things he wishes to protect would also be one of his weaknesses. Fenris has said himself, at the end of the game, that he cannot bare the thought of living without Hawke. He would fight to protect her and keep her close - because she is the only thing good that has happened in his life that he can remember and has become the most important thing that has happened to him.

Apart from this, Fenris is in no way immortal or special. He can sustain only so many injuries before he requires healing, and since it isn't mentioned that his lyrium tattoos do anything but provide him with extra strength and abilities, it is probably that he is just as susceptible to illness as anyone else.

It can probably be considered a weakness, that Fenris was illiterate. However, Hawke began to teach him how to read and write, so it can be assumed that he has some ability to do so now, though lets assume that he at least has a primary/grade school kid's level of ability.

Housing Preferences: Anywhere. Though preferably somewhere with a nice view. Oh and he likes to live alone (he even refuses to move in with Hawke, silly elf~)

History: Fenris's first memory is of the excruciatingly painful ritual which seared the lyrium into his skin and wiped his memories from before then. Following the ritual, Fenris became a slave to a Tevinter Magister called Danarius. It is stated that the magister used him as a bodyguard and to intimidate visitors with his appearance, but suggested that he did many more tasks for his master.

Fenris did not dream of freedom. He knew nothing but slavery, so freedom was not something which occurred to him - until he got a taste of it. During a Qunari attack on Seheron (an island which the Imperium and Qunari fought constantly over and also possibly where Fenris is from originally, though he isn't sure if it is true or not), he managed to get Danarius onto a ship out of the island, but there was no room for a slave on board. He was left behind and barely managed to get out of the city of Seheron alive. Stumbling into the jungles of the island, he was taken in by Qunari rebels - the Fog Warriors. They took him in and nursed him to health. It was with them that he got his first taste of freedom.

Fenris was in awe of these rebels and felt that he owed them everything - during his time with them he felt as though he had truly lived. He had never known anything other than being a slave, than submitting to his masters will, being there to always do as told. He stayed with them for some time before Danarius returned for him. The Fog Warriors refused to let Danarius take him, but upon being ordered to dispatch of them, Fenris did so; Danarius's return had felt inevitable and with the knowledge that he would return to his master's side, he was powerless to disobey. However, killing the Fog Warriors stirred something in him. Looking down on the bodies of the Qunari he had killed, he realised that he couldn't go back to being a slave and he ran, taking advantage of the injuries his master had sustained during the fighting.

He could not join other tribes of Fog Warriors as he felt unworthy of them and didn't want to put them in danger. He didn't know if Danarius was still following him - or more, didn't know if he could ever truly escape him. Instead, he stowed away on a ship and moved south through Thedas, with only a two week head start on his master, he was followed every step of the way.

For the next few years, he continued to run, never staying in one place for long, never stopping to get to know anyone and certainly never trusting anyone. Whenever his master's soldiers or thugs caught up with him, he either escaped, or killed them.

It was only upon arriving in Kirkwall, three years later, that Fenris finally allowed himself to stay somewhere, finding strength in numbers. He learns of Danarius being in Kirkwall and of a trap set up to capture him. To avoid walking into the trap, Fenris hires a dwarf, new to the surface, to hire someone to 'recover stolen goods'. That someone, was Marian Hawke; she and her party stormed the house where the trap was laid and upon finding nothing in the chest that should have supposedly contained the dwarves stolen goods, they leave to return to tell him such. On the steps that lead out of the alienage, they are stopped by another Tevinter hunter, and Fenris then appears, showing off his abilities by phasing his hand through the man and killing him.

He requests Hawke's aid in going to Danarius's mansion in Hightown and killing him. Hawke agrees and together they go, only to find that Danarius is long gone. In return for her aid, Fenris pays her and also offers his sword for her planned expedition to the Deep Roads.

After the Deep Roads expedition, Fenris's past catches up with him. A group of slavers come to take Fenris back attack the party near the Wounded Coast. They are dispatched of quickly, but Fenris interrogates the last survivor to learn where his master is. He doesn't learn Danarius's location, but instead the location of his apprentice Hadriana. He goes after her and on the brink of death, she attempts to exchange her life for information on Fenris's family - Fenris swears to spare her but instead, after learning of his sister, (a servant in Quarinus) he kills her.

Hawke tries to find out why he did it, tries to calm his anger, but they end up fighting instead. Fenris was too angry, too scared that this information was just a trap, and instead he leaves the party, returning to Kirkwall. Later, at Hawke's mansion, he apologises to her and explains that he could not let Hadriana live. His former master's apprentice had made his life as a slave even more difficult than it could have been, and he had been powerless to stop her. He tells Hawke that he thought he had left the hate he had for her behind, but it had resurfaced and stopped him from letting her live.

Following his apology, Fenris spends the night with Hawke. He had never let anyone get so physically close to him because the extraordinary pain from his markings lingered, and the act of being with Hawke brings back flashes of memories - words and faces. He tells Hawke that they're moving too fast, that he cannot continue the relationship, and walks out. He does, however, wear a small red scarf around his wrist and the Hawke crest on his belt - most likely to signify what she meant to him.

He follows up on the information regarding his sister, only informing Hawke of such after the Qunari attack on the city. He had sent a letter to his sister, who had moved to Minrathous in the Imperium, and become a tailor. He sent her money enough to travel to Kirkwall, yet when she arrived, Fenris was scared to go see her along, still worried that it was a trap. He requests Hawke's aid again - if Danarius was there, he knew he would need help fighting him.

He meets his sister, Varania, in the Hanged Man. Upon seeing her, memories of playing in their master's courtyard as a child while their mother worked flood back to him. He learns little more than this, other than his name is actually Leto (Danarius had named him Fenris - his 'little wolf'), before noticing that his sister is acting strange. The meeting was indeed a trap - his sister had lead Danarius to him. After killing Danarius, Fenris demands of her why she would do such a thing - when she reveals it is because he was going to become Danarius's apprentice and become a magister, Fenris can hardly hold in his rage. He almost kills her.

Hawke convinces him not to, and he allows Varania to go. As she leaves, she deems it necessary to impart on him one final sting - he had wanted his markings. He had competed for them in order to free his mother and sister from servitude. Varania claims to envy his life, that he had it easier especially since their mother died. She then leaves.

Killing his master and learning a little of his past did not bring him the sense of freedom and belonging that he had expected it to. Instead, he found himself even more bitter, as though the magic that had been engraved into his skin had damaged his soul also. In that moment, he feels overwhelmingly alone, and he tells Hawke such. She ensures him that he has her and he realises that it really is time to put his past behind him - perhaps he did have somewhere to belong.

In the final battle, it is only because of his relationship with Hawke that he agrees to fight alongside the mages in what he believes to be a hopeless battle. He tells Hawke that meeting her was the most important thing to happen to him and makes her promise not to die - unable to bear the thought of life without her.

After the battle with Meredith, Fenris leaves Kirkwall with Hawke and her companions and when everyone eventually has to leave her due to circumstance, he is the only one who remains by her side.

Personality: Fenris is/was a bitter, even resentful man, twisted by his past into what he is now.

Other characters refer to him as broody, and though he claims not to be, it certainly describes him well. Fenris, despite being free from the chains of servitude, is still chained to his past and it affects his every decision. He seems to spend much time thinking about what he should do with his life - what does one do when they stop running, he asks Hawke at one point. He almost always appears angry, and while this may be in part to do with the fact that he was used by his former master to intimidate people, it is likely because is tormented by his past and by a memory of pain - he is likely often thinking about the decisions he has made to be where he is and about getting revenge for the horrors of his past.

Fenris is quick to anger - sometimes uncontrollable rage - when matters concerning the people and events of his past are brought up. When angry, he can be rather inconsolable and has to walk away to calm down before being able to discuss rationally. He often apologises in these cases.

He also seems to have a decent gauge of how strong he himself is. He knows when he is required to ask for help in a matter and knows when it is better to run away from a battle he cannot live. This is a skill learned from months of running and hiding. However, he has been known to overestimate - he believed himself beyond the influences of demons, yet when faced by a pride demon in the Fade which offered him the strength and skill to kill his pursuers on his own and no longer have to fun, he took the offer. Once outside of the Fade, Fenris cannot believe he succumbed to it, and he apologises to Hawke.

He despises mages. Magic has shaped his life in unpleasant ways - it gave him his markings, he was ruled over by a mage for years and he has watched what they can do. Fenris is always weary around mages, always watching them and always expecting them to do something stupid like turn to demons and blood magic. He does not believe that any mage is not dangerous and does not believe they should be allowed to run about free as if they were. Despite this hate, he is shown to have some leniency. For instance, he stayed with Hawke despite her being a mage, even trusted her eventually, and did not turn her or her mage companions over to the Templars, despite disliking both of them strongly. His hate of mages also shows just how well and how long he can hold grudges.

Despite being an elf, Fenris is shown to have no kinship to the other elves of Thedas. Like all Tevinter elves, he doesn't like the Dalish - he finds them to be smug but also does not take them seriously. He also does not care about the elves in city alienages - he has lived what they experience but feels no compassion for them. He does, however, feel compassion for slaves. Being a former slave, he wishes to see slavery ended and for all slavers to be freed. Anyone working within or supporting the slave trade should be cut down as far as he's concerned.

He has some faith, or tries to have faith, in the Chantry religion. He tells Anders, that he believes suicide to be a sin, and that is why he never killed himself to escape servitude, but also because he has to believe there is something worse than slavery. He is also spotted praying at the Chantry in Kirkwall by Sebastian, though he claims he wasn't doing so. He seems to believe in the Maker, but does not put his trust in him - he feels the Maker, if he exists, abandoned him when He allowed him to be made a slave.

Fenris does have a sense of humour and sarcasm, though it rarely rears its head. One such example of this is when Varric asked what he does in his mansion all day; he replies that he dances and choreographs routines, while the truth is that he probably just stares out the window. He also jokes with Isabela about having a pair of lyrium breast tattooed on his chest to make his markings better. He can appreciate well placed humour and sarcasm better than tell it. Humour and sarcasm at the wrong time really isn't something he can appreciate - he is not one to joke away serious situations.

Generally, Fenris is rotten at dealing with people. He allows his past to act as a blinker when it comes to mages and he rarely gives them a chance to prove they are anything more than monsters. But he also does not know how to handle being respected or understand how anyone could love him; he still feels unworthy of such things. He also doesn't know how to comfort companions in time of need - he's never needed to, so when he does, it is awkward.

However, through his relationship with Hawke, Fenris gradually began to grow more accepting of the world - he still hated mages, however he was beginning to let go of his past and move on with his life. For him, Hawke was the best and more important thing to happen to him. He clings almost desperately to her, no longer able to imagine life without her. She showed him not only how to love, but how to really appreciate freedom and the world, how to hold something dear and fight for something that wasn't just your life. Because of Hawke, he even fought what he believed to be a losing, hopeless battle alongside the mages. He's not a completely changed man though.

Character Quote: "I am not a slave!"

Journal Sample: {voice}
{He's talking to himself, no idea that a recording is happening, no idea anyone might be listening}
What is this place? The Fade perhaps? No... it feels different, looks different.

Is this some trick? The last thing I remember is Meredith and that lyrium sword. The lyrium couldn't be this powerful, to create an illusion like this.

Hello? What's going on. And what is this damn tattoo for?

Prose Sample: Fenris may not have been a truly free man for long, but he'd seen enough wars when he was captive to know what it felt like when a place was standing on the precipice between war and peace. Kirkwall was on there and he knew that just one more push would shove it over the edge and plunge the city into open war. Had he still been a slave to Danarius, he'd be escaping the city and trying to make sure his master was safe and out of harms reach (his master had been a coward, hiding behind slaves and bodyguards). He wasn't though. Instead, he found himself on one side of looming war; and not the side he would have chosen to be on just a year ago.

As he sat in his mansion, listening to the din of yet another clash between mage and templar supporters outside of the Chantry and frowning angrily, Fenris wondered. Wondered if when the city was pushed, he would be able to fight for his own views, even when he knew that they would pit him against Hawke. And as he stared out of the window at the dimly lit street below, following a group of guard pretenders, he knew that he wouldn't be able to. She had become important to him - in fact she was the most important thing that had happened to him. If anything better than her had been in his life before his memories were wiped, he didn't want to remember it.

He moved away from the window and perched on the edge of the creaky bed in the corner. Against the bed sat the Blade of Mercy that Hawke had given him. He had loved the irony in accepting the gift so soon after ending Danarius's life; his master had coveted the gifts of honour and now he, Fenris, had one of his very own. It made a little smile play on his lips that might not have if anyone else had been there. The fact that he had accepted the sword - and not been utterly insulted by the thought of it - was testament that no matter what his views on mages were, when Hawke chose to side with them in the war that would come eventually, he would stay by her side and fight to the death to protect her.

Still, he couldn't believe that a woman he had met only seven years ago, a mage nonetheless, would be able to change his views so radically. Shaking his head and frowning a little more than he already was (practically glaring at the fire crackling across the room), he knew that he wasn't fighting for the mages. He couldn't fight for mages like Anders - an abomination - and Merrill - a blood mage - and the rest of the idiots in Kirkwall that had turned to demons and forbidden magic. No, he was fighting for Hawke - for the woman who had helped him win his freedom. The mages of Kirkwall could all die, so long as she made it through the fighting.

Another shake of the head, and Fenris decided it was time to stop thinking. He fell back on the bed and fished the Book of Shartan from under the pillow, losing himself in the words he could barely read.

Anything else? OH GOD I'M SORRY IF THIS IS TOO LONG D8 Also, Fenris's reading isn't so great so he'll probably struggle reading text entries, poor guy~ And I used the DA wiki and my own playthrough as references for the whole thing, if you guys need to check up on anything ♥

!application, memoria

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