Jan 13, 2008 16:21
Currently, sitting in my room, checking the ladies of my resident hall back in for the Spring semester, and watching ANTM marathons are what my day is amounting to. I had to come back early (three days early) to go through RA Re-training. I must admit that it was fantabulous to come back - I was worried that I wasn't quite ready to come back to college, but as soon as I dropped my stuff in my room, I was ready for my mom to leave! As LVZ said, I'm glad I'm with my real friends. And all today I've just been hanging out with people, looking for people, and helping people. As compared to being home in Misipah for the winter break, seeing definitely not as many people outside of my family as in, it's good to be around the Hendrix populous.
Now I'm just waiting for Allen to get back.
Christ, I missed him so much. It has only been a month since we said goodbye, and every ten mintues my thoughts are just all about "where is he? when will he be here? god, i missed him!"
Anyway, back to the semester at hand. As compared to having Stats and being a brand, spankin' RA, this Spring is probably/hopefully going to be much more manageable. Sure I have hard classes (i.e. Developmental Psychology with one of the hardest profs on campus), but they won't be over my head. So that's a bonus.
Anyway. I'mma get back to counting down the minutes until my love comes back.