Aug 10, 2005 16:34
My parents do not like the tattoo (hate the tattoo) for two main reasons.
A) They hate tattoos in general, and I know this. Since I know this and decided to get one anyway, they feel as though their opinion does not matter to me and that it SHOULD matter to me. They are hurt that I didn't think, "I want a tattoo, but my parents don't like it, so therefore, I won't get one".
B) They think tattoos look trashy, especially on girls. They are upset that I got a tattoo because now when they look at their daughter, they are going to think she looks trashy. Especially because my tattoo is a spider web and not a girly cartoonish heart or something.
In other news --- I had my first session today with my psychologist. It was sooooo wonderful. It feels soooo good to talk to a non-biased person. To voice every single little thing off of a man who does not really know me or anyone in my life, and have him tell me everything I've wanted to tell myself for years, but haven't had the courage to. It was such a liberating, comforting experience. I just cannot wait to go again. (next week) He did assign me "homework". To go back to my doctor and get the medicine that was perscribed to me a year ago. He says that medicine is not a bad thing. "When you're up to your ass in alligators, it's difficult to remember you jumped in to drain the swamp". OR something like that. That was his reasoning for the medicine. He says it's synergistic. Therapy only does so much, and medicine only does so much. But together, they can do a looooot more. And contrary to my mother's beliefs, the medicine I was perscribed is very good. So. I guess I'll have to get on that.
Anyway. I am hanging out with Mr. Michael Delaney White tonight. Excitement ensues.