Jun 17, 2007 22:24
Dearest Danny Boy,
I was surfing through the net for some uber rad icons when I came across some quotes. Then it kinda got me thinking I guess. Some quotes even inspire me, but I'd post them up soon enough darlings.
You shouldn't look for the most popular jock or the hottest guy. You should look for the guy that makes you feel like you're actually worth a second glance. Look for the guy that makes you happy to be the person you don't have to try to be, or want to be. The guy who isn't like all the rest, because he is completely different. Yet it's why you like him, because he isn't like any guy you've ever known. He is just him.
I want to be the girl he's scared to lose. The one he can't walk away from knowing she's mad at him. The one who can't fall asleep without her voice being the last one he heard. The one he wouldn't know what to do without.
There are two kinds of secrets: those we keep from other and those we hide from ourselves.
Much love,