Jan 22, 2016 20:12
So, I haven't actually done much for a while, especially with regards to sporks. I will not lie, that is all on me. Completely my fault. And a little bit Kirby's.
To explain a bit better, Talon, Kirby and myself had finished sporking chapter 11 of Plus One. However we wanted to finish it with spectacular fashion given that it was quite an ordeal. Talon had already done a spitefic, and Kirby also wanted to do one. However she hit a massive block, not to mention she got a job, so her spitefic remains unfinished. We've agreed though to remove the fic and I should be able to post the spork.
That was Kirby's error in this, something she herself acknowledges, I'm not just foisting the blame onto her. The rest is all my own fault however.
Even after that agreement, I ended up just not posting. By that point I was busy, but also dealing with personal issues. I don't want to go into too much detail in case it sounds like I'm just making excuses for myself, but the short of it is that by the time we agreed for Kirby to remove the spitefic from the spork and work on it another time, I was too anxious about how much time had passed from the posting of the first half of chapter 11 that I ended up putting it off, feeling like it'd be too shoddy and cheap to post the second half. Which obviously didn't help since now, much more time has passed. The personal issues also meant that my solo spork hasn't been touched for a while, and Kirby and I haven't done much progress of the other project we were working on.
I would like to apologise for the long wait. However I will try and pick myself up again and keep going. The second half of chapter 11 should be coming very soon, as well as additional material from Plus One that Kirby and I, as well Talon, have been gradually tackling. One of the pieces we have actually no longer exists, so we snapped it up in good time. And with ProAJ deciding to re-vamp his stories, we have more to work with and we're still trying to figure out how to handle it since he's now fusing together all of his existing stories, including his Naruto crossover. And neither myself or Kirby are overly knowledgeable on Naruto.
As for my solo spork, for those following that, I'll pick that up again as soon as possible. Since taking my unannounced hiatus, the author behind that story and another I was looking to maybe spork has since said that she will be trying to focus on writing her own stories and discontinued the other story. While I could still spork it, I might have a look again and think about it.
So, that's all for this update. I'm sorry again for the long wait, and I'll try to post Plus One's final stretch on Sunday. As for the additonal material, I'll keep you all posted for those updates.
Fufu x
fic: the plus one of rwby,
end hiatus,
fic: never say never