Welcome ba- *skims chapters 6 and 7*
...Fuck. I almost forgot this happened. Welp, gotta kill off Masaya somehow. And so, it’s time for fic!Masaya to have his final horrendous hurrah.
Masaya dies in this instalment. Cause its that kind of shipping fic. )
Yay! Death~
"Yes, Deep Blue-sama." (AN I hope I used that right…)
...Everybody who hates when unnecessary Japanese honorifics are used in English fics raise your hand. o/
She slowly opened her eyes, only to find someone standing over her. It was Masaya.
Oh, I thought it was Dumblydore.
Ichigo blinked, realizing her true feelings.
*whispers* What is this warm feeling in my chest? Could it be... Heartburn?
"Let's just say we made an agreement."
*Godfather voice* He made her an offer she couldn't refuse.
He laughed maniacally. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He left the room.
*looks at clock* Look I was promised a death scene, is that still happening or...?
He stared into her chocolate brown eyes.
I think that fact she's terrified would be more important.
He lunged toward Masaya, grabbed him by the arm, and threw him into the wall. He summoned his dragon swords, lunged for a second time, and stabbed him.
Neat! Here we go!
Masaya fell limply on the floor, took his last breath, and stopped breathing.
...Okay, first of all, that last part was redundant. Secondly, what the hell?! I thought you hated this character author!? Make them suffer! Stab them repeatably! Mock them as you do so! SHOW SOME GUMPTION! AND SOME BLOOD!
"Don't blame yourself, Kisshu. It's the tree-fucker's fault. He's the one that put you in that situation."
No dearie, the tree-fucker put YOU in a bad situation. You should be messed up about it, and your snuggle-buddy should be comforting you instead of angsting.
he thought she hated him.
Despite your sudden resent friendship?
Cat- *sniff* So beautiful. Welp, Masaya's gone *happy dance*
Seriously author, if you're gonna kill someone, at least do it with flare.
Preferably an actual flare. And oil. And mad cackling. ehehehehehehe
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